Can an American get Citizenship in the Philippines, or get dual citizenship if he marries a Filipina?

2009-08-06 12:23 pm
Does anyone know of an american who decided to stay in the Philippines, married a filipina, and then decided he wanted dual citizenship or full citizenship in the PI?

回答 (9)

2009-08-09 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO !

you can't get Philippines Citizenship by marries a Filipina, you can only get a Right of Residency in the Philippines by marries a Philippine citizen.

the only way you can have a Philippine citizen is to legally stay here for atleast 5 -10 years without any criminal records and pass all medical health examination, and apply for Naturalization to get the Philippine Citizen.

and you will not lose your U.S. citizenship. because U.S. and Philippines are both does recognize dual citizenship, the only way you can lose U.S. citizenship is to: 1) be found guilty of treason, 2) serving in a military army that is an enemy of the U.S. and, 3) verbally stating you intention before a U.S. counselor.

and for your Right of Residency in Philippines :

the foreigner who got married with a Philippine citizen can obtain a Real Permanent Residency in the Philippines forever, that without any conditions or for no matter you got separate or divorce with your spouse later, was the 13-A marriage visa before for a long time ago!

because of too much numbers of fake marriage, the Constitution & Immigration Laws of the Philippines had already been change for many years !

there are no any Real Permanent Residency that without conditions for foreigners to apply right now,

except stay here for atleast 5-10 years and applying Naturalization to be Philippine Citizen.

or to wait for any new changes in Philippines Immigration Laws;

or to wait for Philippine government to approve and announce for the third application for the Legalization (the 1st one was at late 80's, the 2nd was at early 90's , but i forgot the exact years) , that those foreigners are not permanent residence or illegal residence to be convert or become Legal Permanent Residence after paying a certain amount to the Philippines government without change of citizenship.

the other said Permanent Residency now are all with specific conditions.

1. the 13-A marriage visa now - your spouse must be a Philippine Citizen or Dual citizenship holder, and you will be given a provisionally residency for 1 year for observation to prevent fake marriage, and renew it to get your Permanent Residency with condition of must maintaining your marriage status; it means you will lost the Permanent Residency when you separate or divorce with your spouse. in short no marriage status no residency!

2. investment visa - if you also plan to do a business or thinking to buy and invest a properties like condominium in the Philippines, and have capital money of $50,000 - 75,000 U.S. dollars (depends on the age qualification), you may just apply for this

it no need to wait for 1 year of provisionally Residency like the marriage visa, you & your family can get the Permanent Residency right away when the money had remit from abroad and deposit it in a bank that assign by Philippines government. with the condition of as long as you can maintaining the capital amount or condo worth of atleast $ 50,000 - 75,000 U.S. dollars;

and it also comes with a lot of benefits that those getting marriage visa and other ordinary alien residents don't have, like: no need to apply for re-entry permit when leaving & returning to Philippines, no need to do annual report at Philippines immigration every year, tax exemption for import of business need facilities.....

3. retirement visa - if you are above 35 years old and have $ 20,000 - 50,000 U.S. dollars (depends on age qualification, $ 50,000 for 35 - 49 years old, only $ 20,000 for above 50 years old), can apply for this.

if you are qualify, i suggest you apply for this. because its easy to process and cheaper than investment visa, but get the same benefits as investment visa, and no require to do any business or investment, can just leave the money in bank for earning interest and long term time deposit here in the Philippines is Tax-free.

you and your family members can get the Permanent Residency right away after the money had remit from abroad and deposit it in a bank that assign by Philippines government. with the condition of as long as you maintaining the money amount of atleast $ 20,000 or 50,000 U.S. dollars.

4. the most recent one is you can legally stay here in Philippines when you get investment and open a company here in the Philippines that can create job opportunities for Filipino peoples, and hired atleast 10 regular employees of Filipinos.

參考: - also had related business and knowledge for more than 15 years...
2009-08-08 4:33 am
It's possible after living here for 5 years on a spousal visa.
I see zero advantages to becomming a dual citizen.
I don't feel the need to own a gun , don't care about voting and it doesn't matter our home is in my wifes name.
參考: USN Retired and living in the Philippines since 2002.
2009-08-06 2:39 pm
Where do you two(above)) get your information?

You can become a Philippine citizen after 10 years permanent residence in the Philippines, five if married to a Philippine citizen.
Not on a tourist visa, that you have to renew every two months up to 24 months. It takes up to 3-5 years after that to be approved.

If you are living in the Philippines on a tourist visa, you must renew every two months, up to 18 months, at which time you can request extensions up to a total of 24 months with permission from the BOID. At the end of 24 months you must exit the country(doesn't matter to where or for how long). Then you can re-enter on a tourist visa and go through the process all over again.Or, if you leave with your Philippine citizen wife, and return with her, you can be granted "balikbayan status", which gives you one year, visa free stay. There are foreigners in the Philippines that have been her for years, doing just that.

If you manage to gain Philippine citizenship, you WILL NOT lose your US citizenship. The US does recognize dual citizenship, they just don't encourage it. Taking an oath of citizenship in the Philippines, renouncing US citizenship does not affect your US citizenship. The US does not perceive the renouncing as being a clear intent to abandon US citizenship.

The only way you can lose US citizenship is to: 1) Be found guilty of treason, 2) Serving in a military army that is an enemy of the US and, 3) Verbally stating you intention before a US Counselor.

參考: Check out the US Dept. of State for more complete information on dual citizenship. don't ever rely on this type of venue for an issue as important as this.
2016-12-11 8:09 pm
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2016-09-28 11:35 am
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This Site Might Help You.

Can an American get Citizenship in the Philippines, or get dual citizenship if he marries a Filipina?
Does anyone know of an american who decided to stay in the Philippines, married a filipina, and then decided he wanted dual citizenship or full citizenship in the PI?
參考: american citizenship philippines dual citizenship marries filipina:
2009-08-08 9:21 am
You can get a Dual Citizen ship after you apply for it but you should first get a Philippine Citizen ship by some way like Marriage a someone but I don't think there is same sex marriage like in USA so find a Woman(who got a Philippine citizen ship) to marry if you are a man then apply for the dual citizen ship to USA embassy unless your Citizen ship will be canceled after you got your Citizen ship in any country.! (I mean there are so many rules )
2009-08-06 4:06 pm
you can get a special visa for being the spouse of a philippine national---- if your filipina has filed for dual citizenship

is what most americans do much cheaper than a tourist visa and less hassle than becoming a philippine citizen
2009-08-06 1:00 pm
Technically it's possible to get Philippine citizenship through marriage. It's not an easy process and you would need to be near fluent in Tagalog to get approved. However, I've never met a single person who did it. It's easy to live there on a tourist visa, up to 18 months, and then easily renewable by taking a weekend trip out of the country or through various retirement schemes operated by the government.
參考: Lived in the Philippines 6 years.
2009-08-06 12:29 pm
It is possible to get a citizenship in the Philippines. It is impossible to hold a dual citizenship recognized by the US!

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