
2009-08-07 7:02 am
it was heavy rain when i was sleeping,thus i can't sleep,i wake up earlier than ordinary day,after afternoon,i felt tired and had a headache,i think i had fever,i took some medicine and much water before went to bed.



回答 (4)

2009-08-07 7:35 am
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I couldn't sleep because it was heavy rain outside. I wake up earlier than usaul. I was tired and got headache afternoon. I think i had a fever. So i took some medicine and drank a lot of water before went to bed.

你話 i was sleeping, 但之後又話 i can't sleep, 呢度係一個矛盾.

英文係唔會用ordinary day 嚟解作平日, usual已經係代表平日, 平時, 平常.

照字面解釋, after afternoon 係下午之後, 即係evening, noon意思係中午, 所以afternoon 就解作下午, 中午之後.

felt 係feel 嘅past tense冇錯, 但係feel 係感覺, 係心理上嘅感覺, 而ired 係身體上嘅感覺, 所以用was 就可以.

如果想話大量, 好多, 不論係數到或者係數唔到嘅都可以用a lot of.

最後就係英文唔同中文, 英文會將每一句都分開, 而中文就會不斷用逗號到段落完結.

2009-08-08 12:44 am
It rained heavily when I was sleeping, so I could not sleep and got up early. In the afternoon, I felt tired and had a headache. I guessed I was having a fever and so I took medicine before going to bed and also drank lots of water.
2009-08-07 9:08 am
It rained heavily while I was sleeping, thus I could not sleep well. I wake up earlier than usual. I felt tired and had a headache in the afternoon. I think I might have a fever. I took some medicine and drank a lot of water before going to bed.
2009-08-07 8:42 am
it was heavy rain when i was sleeping,thus i can't sleep,i wake up earlier than ordinary day,after afternoon,i felt tired and had a headache,i think i had fever,i took some medicine and much water before went to bed.


1) Always capitalize the first word in a sentence

2) The pronoun"I" is a capital letter.

3) Talk about the past with the PAST TENSE

4) took SOME MEDICINE and much WATER<--------

We do not say " took much water" in English.

5) before went to bed<--------You need a subject here!

before I(subject) went to bed
before going ( gerund) to bed
6) ordinary day <----------- "day" is a countable noun.
You cannot say it this way!

than usual <--------------This is English.

.... than ordianary dayS<--------This is Chinglish!

7) It was heavy rain.<----------Unnatural!

It was raining heavily.<--------Correct
It was raining cats and dogs.( idiom) <---------Correct!

8) Try to link up broken sentences! Do not write "I" ,"I" and "I" time and again!
9) Since you failed to rest, you should say " to get up", NOT" to wake up".

To get up = to leave the bed

to wake up = you wake up from your sleep

Here is my version for your reference:

I failed to rest because it was raining cats and dogs outside all night long.
In the early morning, I got up ( past tense) earlier than usual
and felt so tired with a bad headache past noon.

Supposedly, I had a fever, so I took some medicine and drank plenty of water before going to bed.

I kept tossing and turning<------This is a better sentence which means

You had problems sleeping.

2009-08-07 03:10:56 補充:
than ordinary dayS<--------This is Chinglish!***************

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