虎皮紋朱古力蛋糕卷how to make?

2009-08-07 1:12 am
虎皮紋朱古力蛋糕卷how to make?please use english*.*

回答 (1)

2009-08-07 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chocolate swiss roll: 23cmX33cmX2cm baking tray
----- 5g soda
----- 70g water
----- 15g cocoa powder
----- 80g vegetable oil
Fried noodle cake ----- 100g
----- 5g baking powder
----- 40g sugar
----- 5 egg
Protein ----- 5
----- 70g sugar
Tata ----- 5g powder

----- 7 egg
----- 50g sugar
Corn meal corn flour ----- 15g

190C/15-20mins cake
Skin 230C/6-8mins (carefully! Quickly cooked)

Whipped cream-depending on personal preference

Cake production:
1. First the hot water to cocoa powder and soda to join READY mix.
2. To break up the egg yolk & sugar to 40g of sugar dissolved by adding vegetable oil mix.
3. To be prepared some cocoa butter into the egg yolk, the mix.
4. By adding flour, baking powder mix, ready for use.
5. Protein and 70g of sugar, flour mix Tata pass, when to fight to pull up into a cone-shaped.
6.1 / 3 protein mix with the egg part of the question,
7. Mix and then mix with the rest of the protein.
8. Poured into the mold, the 190C baked in 15-20mins, cooked READY.

Skin production:
1. The egg yolk, sugar, corn flour sent all together. Using hand-mixer kit hit batter to fall easily
2. Poured into the paper tray has been paved, it changes the surface刮平to 230C heat 6-8 mins, cooked quickly and carefully!

1. Released, it will in turn skin & cake are positive downward,待凉
2. Tiger on the following first coated with a thin layer of cream, cake shop and then on the skin, painted a thin layer of cream, roll up ... ... DONE

Baked in the skin, they can first stand-up cake, this cake is not easy to open out.
the rest of the egg whites can be using for angel cake

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