English question for help

2009-08-07 12:33 am
I know the meaning of the following slangs but don't know how to use them. Can anybody help me to make a sentence of each of the following please"-

1. It's up in the air.

2. It slipped my mind.

3. The sooner the better.

4. It's my treat this time.

5. Take your time.

6. She never showed up.

7. Something's come up.

8. We're in the same boat.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

回答 (1)

2009-08-07 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. It's up in the air.

Uncertain about someone or something

- Which singer will win tonight ? Umm..... It's up in the air.
Let's take a wait-and-see attitude.

2. It slipped my mind.

To be forgotten

A: Do you know when Helen's birthday is?

B: Oh gosh! It slipped my mind. I am afraid that you will have to ask her yourself.

3. The sooner the better. ( What you see is what you get. I do not think I need to tell you what it means)

I need those 100 boxes of pens. Please send them my way the sooner the better.
4. It's my treat this time.


I will pay for it this time.

Last time you paid for my meal. It's my treat this time.

6. She never showed up!

She never appeared!

I kept waiting for her the whole night, but she never showed up at my wedding party!

7. Something's come up. ( see 3.)


Something has turned up.發生

I am so sorry! I cannot go to China with you today.

Something's come up.

8. We're in the same boat.

We are facing the same problem./We are in the same situation.

You and I are both unemployed at the moment.

We really should help each other for we are in the same boat.

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