What is secondary education?

2009-08-06 6:05 am
Is secondary the same thing as high school? I don't understand exactly what it is. I am wondering because I'm looking to apply to colleges to become a high school english teacher


回答 (2)

2009-08-06 6:15 am
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Yes secondary education is usually anything 6th grade and up, the other option would be elementary education which is self explanatory (elementary school teacher). For high school you would want to major in secondary education, some people then do a minor in english or get there masters in english, or if you already know you want to go for higher education you could major in english and do masters in secondary ed. My friend is a high school english teacher and she got her degree from penn state in secondary education
2009-08-06 6:21 am
Secondary education is education for the middle school and high school levels. if you want to be a high school teacher you will need to earn a single subject credential in English. A single subject credential is what is required to teach at a secondary level (middle or high school)

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