Isn't too convinced about this whole "karma" thing?

2009-08-06 3:01 am
You know bad crap happens to good people as well as bad people. I think it's just another taboo to scare people. If Karma existed then there are LOADS of people who should have been hit by cars by now. The bad guys make money just like the good guys. Bad guys live happy lives just like good guys... Ive seen may times where tragic things have happened to "good people" who never deserved such tragedies. I've also seen very terrible people who have done so much dirt in their lives live a happy life and die at peace.What is your opinion on "karma"?

Kevin you know what I mean...And NOW your saying that karma is when you are not as fortunate in another life...You see people/man keeps making up their own definitions as they go along. Where in the bible does it mention that that is what karma is Kevin?

回答 (13)

2009-08-14 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Karma is just cause and effect. But it isn't necessarily an instant
event. Earth school is in session until everyone graduates.

Does not matter if we believe in it or not. What is - is.
When you see people born with deformities, when you see
people die young, when you see people robbed, raped or
some how mistreated - it is usually because their consciousness
is expecting retribution. Karma is lessons to learn. You can not
escape learning the needed lessons although you might learn
by performing heroic actions. Example: If you were a soldier
in ancient rome that killed many people. Now you might take
a role as a medic saving lives rather than being killed in battle.
That is an extreme example.
2 bible references, offhand: Those who live by the sword
will die by the sword". and the apostles asked Jesus about the blind man he healed: who did sin, he or his parents
that he was born blind?
參考: "same soul, Many bodies" Dr Brian Weiss and "Life is Consciousness" booklet by Emmit Fox
2009-08-06 10:07 am
Well, alot of this Karma thing has to do with the reincarnation thing. If you do not believe the reincarnation thing, then the Karma thing does not make sense at all.
2009-08-06 10:06 am
I think karma is spread over lives and not just one life. so it is banked up and withdrawals or deposits are made over time
2009-08-06 10:14 am
me is not biblical..
2009-08-06 10:12 am
all the crap happens to the decent people, I know.
參考: life
2009-08-06 10:12 am
I don't believe in it. Goes back to Buddhism I think. I believe God is patient but will also give wrath when his will. Sometimes people consider poor to be wrath when it is probably blessing while riches blessing when it is wrath... Or the other way around..... My greatest wisdom has come from obstacles... that some would call karma...
2009-08-06 10:10 am
I don't really know either.

Maybe it's not true.
2009-08-06 10:07 am
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means "action." Karma has commonly been considered a punishment for past bad actions, but karma is neither judge nor jury. Rather, it is simply the universal law of cause and effect that says every thought, word and act carries energy into the world and affects our present reality
2009-08-06 10:07 am
Obviously a false doctrine invented by Satan.
2009-08-06 10:05 am
I agree, but I do think someone who surrounds themselves with good people will have less bad things happen to them just because of the situation.
2009-08-06 10:18 am
As far as i'm aware, people don't get hit by cars because of 'bad karma', karma is accumulated thoughout life, so you can profit from bad behaviour in this life, but when the books are balanced at the end, you will not be re-incarnated very favourably for the next one.
2009-08-06 10:18 am
Not all of it is karma. Sometimes things happen for other reasons, which leads to a "series of events" to take place for a whole other purpose.. In the scheme of things, with good and bad happening to both good and bad people, it's true,but there are other factors in our lives that determine our destiny's or fate. If you believe in God you know that what appears to be going good for bad people is temporary and what is going bad for good people is usually a setback or a type of test to keep them from being rewarded in the future, by God.(Because if they turn from God, ultimately they receive no reward) You get what you give. Do unto others as you would like them to do to you. Scripture says those who are undeserving and reaping in benefits now are receiving their full rewards now, meaning that they have no chance of anything in the future. But those who have endured much hardship are rewarded with an easier lifestyle, without all the bad.
Karma is just a word but it has a way of evening itself out. It just doesn't happen as you see it, but as it comes. I see karma as justice. A once and for all type of justice and justice isn't always right away. Sometimes it takes awhile.
參考: Just a thought.
2009-08-06 10:11 am
Karma is a Buddhist belief (I'm sure you know). The belief is basically "what goes around comes around". If you don't get your punishment in this life, you'll get it in your next reincarnation.
Crazy, I know.
參考: Under "Teachings"

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