the meaning of this sentence

2009-08-06 4:42 am
Such behaviour at a meeting called by the Home Affairs Department
to hear both sides of the story and try to bring the sides closer together
is unacceptable.

回答 (2)

2009-08-06 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Such behaviour at a meeting called by the Home Affairs Department
to hear both sides of the story and try to bring the sides closer together
is unacceptable".

The structure of this long sentence is such that the most important theme of the sentence, being "such behaviour is not acceptable", is divided into two part, separated by phrases/clauses which further describe the background information on the incident.

What happened: Such behaviour is not acceptable (someone did something which is very wrong)
where: at a meeting
who called the meeting: the Home Affairs Department
purpose of the meeting: to hear both sides of the story and try to bring the sides closer together

2009-08-05 22:25:19 補充:
"part" in paragraph 2 should be "parts".
參考: myself
2009-08-06 10:01 am
What happened: Such behaviour is not acceptable (someone did something which is very wrong)

some "DID" something?

which is? U_U

Someone/ some people did something really wrong. ++++a smooth and better sentence

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 23:30:14
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