7 habbits of highly effect

2009-08-06 12:56 am
is 7 habbits of highly effect a NON-FICTION?

i really need to know cuz i need to finish a non-fiction book report

please & thank you

sorry i should be "the 7 habbits of highly effective teens" it is a book but i can't tell if it's a fiction or a NON-fiction it is written by Sean Convey SORRY FOR THE MISTAKE! i forgot to check!


um another mistake it should be "HABIT" not "HABBIT" SORRY! :P

回答 (2)

2009-08-06 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The 7 habits of highly effective teens is a non-fiction. For details, please refer to the following website:

2009-08-13 20:09:24 補充:
The website only tells you what the book is about, but I personally know that it is a non-fiction.
2009-08-06 2:54 am
What is 7 habbits? I can't find from dictionary the verb ' habbits'. Your question to ask for help cannot be understood. Is this a book or a fiction?

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