eng功課 plz 好急 快!!!

2009-08-05 9:41 pm
Write a journal (at least 80 words) about your life and feelings during
the school suspension period

use eng to write

回答 (1)

2009-08-15 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At the school suspension period, I was feeling lonely and would like to go back to school soon. At the beginning of the suspension period, I was happy to get the extra holiday and watched the TV most of the time. Sometimes, I called the schoolmates and went out with them for a while. After fews day, I felt so boring and did not have money for movies and food. So I stayed at home most of the time and watched the TV or online. I was starting to like to go back to school and thought that school time was not that bad. Hope the coming september school time won't be affected by the H1N1 anymore.

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