It 的用法

2009-08-05 9:26 pm
1. It's an extra seat around the coffee table.
點解用 lt ? , 可以用there 嗎 ?

2. It was gonna be a closed casket (棺材)
點解用 It 開頭, 可以改為 :
A closed casket was gonna be used 嗎 ?

3. It was a really beautiful service
點解用 It 開頭, 可以改為 :
The service was really beautiful 嗎 ?

另外 :

I am gonna need a new set of these form.

點解要用 am gonna.
I need ... 可以嗎 ?

-- 美國電視一些對白

謝謝 !

回答 (1)

2009-08-05 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It's an extra seat around the coffee table.
點解用 lt ? , 可以用there 嗎 ?

2. It was gonna be a closed casket (棺材)
點解用 It 開頭, 可以改為 :
A closed casket was gonna be used 嗎 ?

3. It was a really beautiful service
點解用 It 開頭, 可以改為 :
The service was really beautiful 嗎 ?

I am gonna need a new set of these form.

點解要用 am gonna.
I need ... 可以嗎 ?
!!!因為佢既意思係I am gonna need(我正想要)
參考: me

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