
2009-08-05 8:53 pm
Recently, most children love eating junk food, particulary like snacks, sweet drinks and fried food. Some people think that children should not be allowed eat junk food. I totally agree this opinion because eating junk food may affect their health.

Firstly, junk food is too oily and fatly.If children eat it ofthen, they may become fat even obese. For example , there is a korean boy, who keep on eating Mcdonald's fired food for a long time, become an extremely fat boy lastly and can't move normally.

Secondly, eating lots of junk food may lead to children illnesses , like high blood pressure , hert disease and even cancer, they may kill children's life. If we don't want children become an unhealthy person, we must not give too much junk food for them to eat.

Thirdly, most children use lots of money for buying snacks and drinks. I think it's a waste of money. If they quit eating junk food, they may save more money.

To conclude, it's obvious that eating junk food is not good for children's health so I agree children should not be allowed to eat junk food.




回答 (1)

2009-08-05 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

sweet drinks and fried food. ( line1-2)
soft drinks and fried food.

If children eat it ofthen (line 5)
If children eat it too often

For example , there is a korean boy who keep on eating Mcdonald's fired food for a long time, become an extremely fat boy lastly and can't move normally.( line6-8)

I have heard a Korean boy, who keeps on eating Mcdonald's fried
food for long time. As the result, he cannot move normally since he has become an extremely fat boy.

Secondly, eating lots of junk food may lead to children illnesses(line9)
Secondly, eating junk food may lead to many diseases.

like high blood pressure , hert disease and even cancer( line9-10)
like high blood pressure, heart diseases and even cancers.

they may kill children's life.(line10)
Children can be killed by these diseases.

If we don't want children become an unhealthy person, we must not give too much junk food for them to eat.( line11-12)
If we do not want them to an unhealthy life, we must encourage them to avoid eating junk food.


so I agree children should not be allowed to eat junk food.(line17)
so I agree that children should try to avoild eating junk food.


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