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2009-08-05 6:23 pm
Every year, incredible amounts of novel publishes in the world! Most of them are just slightly different from each others, such as different in settings or character background. However, he theme of the stories are still the same. There are two novels which called A Room With A View written by E.M. Forster and Pride And Prejudice written by Jane Austen, they both wave similar stories. They have similar settings, similar characters, even some of their characters have same characteristic in both of the novels. The two novels also adapted into movie versions by using the same name as the novels. In this essay, we are going to learn how the two novels are similar, and if they should be consider as similar stories novel.
The first similarity is both of the female protagonist, Lucy Honeychurch and Elizabeth Bennet, were engaged to a man that they both dislike in the beginning of the stories. Lucy was engaged to Cecil Vyse in the A Room With A View and Elizabeth was engaged to William Collins in the Pride And Prejudice. Lucy accepted Cecil’s engagement proposal was because she was struggled with George Emerson’s love. She did not want to accept that she loved George, so she accepted Cecil to avoid George. And Elizabeth’s engagement actually was hidden from her by her mother, Mrs Bennet. Since Bennet, had no son, therefore his cousin, Mr. Collins, would inherit Mr. Bennet’s estate. Mrs. Bennet accepted Mr.Collins to marry Elizabeth was because of Wealth rather of Elizabeth’s happiness. Therefore, both of the novel began with a mistakenly engagement.

Thank you!



The second similarity is both of the female protagonist hated the male protagonist. Lucy hated George was because George kissed and insulted her without asking her for permissions and Elizabeth hated Mr.Darcy was because of his pride.


Although both of the female protagonist hated the male protagonist, the mans still fell in love with them. Whatever how George pleased Lucy and her family, she still rejected George. Similarity, Elizabeth yelled to Mr.Darcy how she hates him, he still did not give up.


Third quarter of each of the novel were about the struggles and fights between them. All about the ladys hated the guys, the guys would not give up a chance to win the lady’s heart.


Thank you ! so much!...

回答 (1)

2009-08-05 6:40 pm
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Every year, there are various novel publishes in the world! Most of them are just slightly different from each others, such as different in settings or character background. However, the theme of the stories are still the same. There are two novels which called "A Room With A View" written by E.M. Forster and "Pride And Prejudice" written by Jane Austen, they both wave similar stories. They have similar settings, characters, and even some of their characters have same characteristic in both of the novels. The two novels also adapted into movie versions by using the same name as the novels. In this essay, we are going to learn how the two novels are similar, and if they should be consider as similar stories novel.
The first similarity is both of the female protagonist, Lucy Honeychurch and Elizabeth Bennet, were engaged to a man that they both dislike in the beginning of the stories. Lucy was engaged to Cecil Vyse in the story "A Room With A View" and Elizabeth was engaged to William Collins in the story "Pride And Prejudice". Lucy accepted Cecil’s engagement proposal was because she was struggled with George Emerson’s love. She did not want to accept that she loved George, so she accepted Cecil to avoid George. And Elizabeth’s engagement actually was hidden from her by her mother, Mrs Bennet. Since Bennet, had no son, therefore his cousin, Mr. Collins, would inherit Mr. Bennet’s estate. Mrs. Bennet accepted Mr.Collins to marry Elizabeth was because of Wealth rather of Elizabeth’s happiness. Therefore, both of the novel began with a mistakenly engagement.

2009-08-05 10:41:09 補充:
The second similarity is both of the female protagonist hated the male protagonist. Lucy hated George was because George kissed and insulted her without asking her for permissions and Elizabeth hated Mr.Darcy was because of his pride.

2009-08-05 10:41:17 補充:
Although both of the female protagonist hated the male protagonist, the mans still fell in love with them. Whatever how George pleased Lucy and her family, she still rejected George. Similarly, Elizabeth yelled to Mr.Darcy how she hates him, he still did not give up.

2009-08-05 10:41:25 補充:
Third quarter of each of the novel were about the struggles and fights between them. Both of them are about how the ladies hated the men, but the men still did not give up a chance to get the lady’s heart.
參考: myself

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