I have your word 點解?

2009-08-05 10:36 am
I have your word 係咩意思

meaning in chinese and english (simple is ok)

係唔係 我明白你的意思 之類?

回答 (3)

2009-08-05 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have your word.<---100 perfect correct!

我有你作出保證<--( I am not worried.)


I have your word on this big project. I won't have to worry about anything.


You have my word. ( different meaning)

It means you can count on me. I have promised you something.


I will go to your place and fix your computer.
You have my word. Don't you worry about it!
2016-12-12 2:35 am
I Have Your Words
2009-08-05 10:54 am
唔係....有d類似中文既"一言為定" , 意思即係有人答應左你一件事情, 你就會同佢講, I have your word, "word" 係呢度既意思有d類似promise, 不過沒人會用I have your promise.

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