
2009-08-05 8:03 am

回答 (4)

2009-08-05 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
點解你要咁做呢?好奇怪!! anyway, 咁佢一定會比人拉啦.之後上報紙.跟手坐監.之後會同你離婚.因好難接受你連累佢.佢父母亦唔會原諒你.但當然會原諒自己個仔啦.
2009-08-13 2:24 pm
maybe he so enjoy what you did to him.
so next time he will suggest is your turn....
force you to wear man underwear, tie you up in the man's room, call the news reporters and your parents.... to see you get group rape inside..?
參考: you two are prefect couple.
2009-08-09 8:28 am
2009-08-06 5:32 am
如果呢係事係真嘅,你唔係痴線就係變態! 仲好意思問點算?

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