What do you - personally - think it will be like in Heaven?

2009-08-04 4:41 pm
Please do not quote scripture.
Tell me what you THINK.

回答 (33)

2009-08-04 4:45 pm
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Pretty much the way it is in the Simpsons' "the father, the son and the holy guest star".

Or better yet, "a history of the world in 10 1/2 chapters", which is super awesome. The plot twist there is that as awesome as that existence is, the narrator doesn't want to live in it forever*. And neither, the story goes, does anyone else. Really religious people and bookworms last longer than anyone else, but given enough time the suicide rate is 100%. Is that true? No idea, but Julian Barnes has a point there. Eternal life is a doozie.

*the first few weeks he just has breakfast in bed. And the grapefruit doesn't squeeze into his eyes! Then he has a lot of amazing adventures, and takes up golf. Ultimately though, he makes his first round of golf in 18 strokes. And then he starts to think...
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
It will definitely be a better place than earth......
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
Peaceful :)
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
I think heaven in some ways has got bad press, especially with the common misunderstanding of Heaven is that in Heaven we are going to be singing praises forever and ever, playing harps and all that.

That leaves out a lot of the simple pleasures we take so much joy in. For instance, like the joy of a baby, or the pleasure of drying our clothes in the warm sunlight, or the satisfaction of a job well done, or just simply enjoying a good book or a newspaper in the morning. Paul said now we see "through a glass darkly," a poor reflection in a dim mirror. But some day this dark glass will be removed and we will be able to see clearly and be able to enjoy the real meaning of being a human being created in the image of God. The point is when the dark glass is removed, the view of Heaven is not going to change. It is going to become clearer. When that happens, I believe the things that give us pleasure in this world will make much more sense and give a whole lot more pleasure.
2009-08-04 4:52 pm
There will be an overwhelming sense of peace and love. Yet, at the same time, there will be great concern for our brothers and sisters that are not there. Jesus established a missionary effort to teach those spirits that did not merit "heaven". People will be sent to teach them what they failed to learn in mortality that they may by judged according to the flesh and yet live by the spirit as taught by Peter.
We will be busy preparing for our own future as well as helping others to do the same. The notion that we will all sit around on clouds praising God is false. There will be plenty to do in God's Kingdom as we continue to serve one another, and in so doing serve God as well. You have to understand that it is God work and glory to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life. Thus, our accomplishments are His reward. This is the same pride that we feel when our children succeed and do well in life. God wants us to succeed and do well in mortality. He knows us and loves us and wants us to come home when we are done here. Thus, there will be great rejoicing in heaven when we return to His presence.
Joseph Smith once said that if we could see the glory of the lowest kingdom of heaven, we would kill ourselves to get there. The irony is that in committing suicide, that is where we would go, the lowest degree. The point is that we cannot imagine the glory of His kingdom and we will truly rejoice when we arrive there, having lived worthily to get there.
參考: LDS
2009-08-04 4:48 pm
Eternal peace and joy.
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
I think and hope that I will see and meet God and thank him/her/it and also meet my granparents again and othe rfriends and family members and people I loved. Also there will be no desires or wants anymore and no silly power, wealth or status fights.
2009-08-04 4:45 pm
Peace, Harmony and all understanding. Anything else I have no clue. Being with God almost doesn't compute as how awesome it's going to be. As the song says....What a day that will be......
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
I do not believe Heaven is an actual locale or place. I believe it is a spiritual level of consciousness that we can achieve.
2009-08-04 4:44 pm
IF, and thats a BIG IF; heaven exists, It wont be like anything that man has even imagined yet.
2009-08-04 5:03 pm
I THINK it will be very similar to what we experience here, inter personal relationship-wise, where we interact, converse, and engage each other in social relationships. Only, it will be on a much more grander, peaceful, immensely beautiful scale.

I also think that heaven will be familiar; that we will recognize it when you pass on, and that we will recognize all of the other people there who we personally knew or where aware of, here on earth.

I think the surroundings will also seem familiar. And that they will resemble what we are familiar with here, ie rivers, mountains, plains, etc.

I also think that our physical experiences will be intensified, that the smell of a flower will be much more intensively wonderful than we now know it. Likewise, every one of our senses will be acutely tuned in to what it provides us.....

We will all know that there is order, peace, and solemnity; and that we will all know about a supreme designer or creator, that is or has provided all of it for us. And we will have a great sense of gratitude for it.
參考: Lifelong Mormon
2009-08-04 4:57 pm
I think we don't hav to work for a living
Performance will not be criteria for increments
Flexibility in working hours
There will not be any looser
Don't hav to look for world bank's AID
Fair elections
No wars
No terrorists but only loverrists..
No celibrities
Humans & animals will hav the same rights
Ask a dinosaur for a lift..
Questions will not be asked
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
From everything I've read about heaven it seems that we will be in a constant state of bliss (Endorphin release) due to the presence of Divinity (Who is supposed to present everywhere anyway), but there will be no individuality, adventure, or challenge.
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
well i think heaven is different for everyone
to me heaven is the best place ever , you get to choose, your perfect world.
so you get what i mean one persons heaven maybe someone hell.

my heaven changes a lot i mean a couple of years ago i wanted my heaven to be like x-men i know its lame but who can resist superpowers lmao
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
we will run with the angels on streets made of gold.
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
clear waters,golden streets,mansions for us christians,and most of all getting to see the holy face of our father.
參考: godbless
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
swimming pools, movie stars
2009-08-04 4:45 pm
There is no heaven, when you die your brain shuts down everything you think of as you no longer exists.
參考: Atheist
2009-08-04 4:45 pm
My answer is on the next two lines:-

Yes, nothingness.
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
No believers and lots of sex!!
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
Hopefully lots of sexy women and weed.
2009-08-04 4:44 pm
i think it does not exist.
2009-08-04 5:00 pm
It depends when I go from this life in death, or am taken at the Rapture of my Lord Jesus Christ. Either way I will have a new glorified body that has been transformed at His coming.
Heaven is where God is.
Those taken from the grave and those who go while yet still living at the Rapture will rule with Jesus during the 1000 yrs of peace, and will live in the city of the New Jerusalem. Others who are still here on the earth who go through the great tribulation will be in the flesh during the 1000 yrs. They will live outside the City, and will need to eat from the tree of life and drink from the living water that flows from the gates of the city and the trees will grow along the river.
Man in the flesh will live here forever upon the earth and God and Jesus will be with us here on the earth and Jesus Glory will light up the city.
The city will be 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high .
I think it will be a much better place for mankind upon the earth without sin, and God and Jesus will be with us.
peace to you
your friend
2009-08-04 4:51 pm
Whatever ones mind can contemplate, good or bad. Heaven & Hell are neighborhoods in the same city. You end up in whichever one naturally attracts you, regardless of what you do while alive.
2009-08-04 4:51 pm
Intensified memories of your life's good experiences.
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
Heaven will be a thousand times better than we can imagine.
It is impossible to even imagine it with the human mind.
It's the ultimate feeling of bliss.
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
2009-08-04 4:44 pm
I think it will be like heaven .
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
I don't believe in heaven... i think that when we die it will be the same as before we are born

So like nothing
2009-08-04 4:48 pm
Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory! RAman!
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
Shining God's boots for eternity sounds really boring.
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
I'll be in the milkshake pool on the lesbian cloud...
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
Nothing, no heaven, just nothing, like before you were born for billions and billions of years.

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