Jesus christ unkonwn life ?

2009-08-04 4:41 pm
Have you watched this documentary video called Jesus in India by Paul Davids.
This video is some what convincing that Jesus was in India in his early ages (13 to 30 years). He also shows the tomb of christ in Kashmir.
Even there is a BBC documentary on this.Even many explorers are speaking the same.
I was surprised when i came to know about this.

Did you know about this?
Why is that some christans is not willing to accept it?

BBC documentary

回答 (19)

2009-08-04 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've definitely heard about this.....
It could possibly be true. Because at that time the world was maped differently and so maybe India wasn't exactly India at that tym and so he may have visited it.
however all things donot fall into place. India is quite far away frm the part of the wrld Jesus came from. And it would have practically taken Jesus more than half his lyf to reach india that too BY FOOT! .Another obvious thing is that it doesn't evn come in the bible. So if u believe in this story, that would mean that nearly everything in the bible is wrong! Which i wouldn't really believe in! Another thing is that, there isn't enough elemntary proof to show that Jeus DID come to india. But then again, the same way there isn't enough proof(except for the BIBLE) to show that Jesus evn existed!
So apparently, anything can be true!
Many christians don't believe in this because it goes against the bible.

Keep thinking......

Lots of <3,
參考: MySeLf
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
dumb question #6
2009-08-04 4:45 pm
why do you ask the same question as you did yesterday?
2009-08-04 4:48 pm
Yeah if I show some places in Antartica and tell you that Jesus lived there will you accept it???????
2009-08-04 4:48 pm
Because there is no real evidence that Jesus was in India, heck there is no real evidence that Jesus existed at all. There was no "star in the east" no census, no slaughter of innocents, and no record of a Jesus crucified. There are records of other prophets that were crucified at that time just not Jesus.
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
I have not seen the documentary I have enough personal testimony from the Bible that tells me more than likely Jesus was not in India.

His tomb is certainly not in India.

Read the Gospels for yourself, don't trust a documentary.
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
I think it's highly probable. Most of the world was mapped oddly, the only thing that doesn't fit with that is that India wasn't under Roman control like the Bible frequently states of Jesus' life.

It was however occupied by Alexander the Great.
2016-05-26 7:59 pm
The whole Law of Moses is to show man ,he isn't able to keep the Law.He isn't strong enough.Because we can't keep the Law,we are condemed to death! God also said one would come and would be strong enough and until then ,He gave Israel the sin offerings. Like writing a check to cover their sins until the real money came which was Christ. When He died ,the Law died and when He was resurrected ,we were freed from the Law of Death and now are with the Law of Life which is Christ Jesus.
2009-08-04 5:04 pm
Luke 4:16 is a key text to refute the idea that Jesus went to India. At the beginning of His three-year ministry, Jesus "came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read." Jesus was brought up in Nazareth, not India, and His custom was to visit the synagogue, not Hindu temples.

(Luke 4:16) After Jesus finished reading on this occasion, "all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips; and they were saying, 'Is this not Joseph's son?'" (Luke 4:22). Those in the synagogue recognized Jesus as a local resident.

I think all u ppl should visit the site
2009-08-04 4:51 pm
Jesus exists only in the gospels, cannonical and heretical. There is zero other information about him. You can make up additional fictional stories about him, but they have no basis in reality.
2009-08-04 4:50 pm
A deception from Satan.
2009-08-04 4:50 pm
Go by what the bible says. If it doesn't match up with scripture I would avoid it.
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
Jesus' going to India to be educated by the Maggi is a possibility.

Taking the step from:
"It isn't mentioned in the Bible"
"It never happened BECAUSE it isn't mentioned in the Bible."

Is faulty logic.

If the Maggi put all of that time, effort and money into visiting the infant; it seems logical that they might have had an interest in his safety, upbringing and education as well. (Just a possibility.)

Many of "the tombs" in India are memorials that never actually contained the body of the person being remembered. Don't forget how they dispose of the dead in India (cremation.)
2009-08-04 4:49 pm
Yeah, this Paul Davis was an atheist! What makes him true and accurate?
2009-08-04 4:48 pm
Nevr heard of this, of the tomb in kashmir or of a BBC documentary!

Google can't find it either. there are several blogs and nutter sites but I can't see any evidence.
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
I don't know this and i will not believe this..
2009-08-04 4:47 pm
they have documents that show a western man in the area, but none of them specificlly state its Jesus. there are painting with a western man in them but many western men looked the way Jesus might have looked during that time.

documentaries are usually based on someones opinion.
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
That's because Christianity is plagiarized Mithra worship that predates it by 1000 years. It originates from Persia and the Indus valley.

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
2009-08-04 4:46 pm
Most people don't know that he never lived a life (imaginary). Is that what you mean?

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