Christians, do you believe in people who came back to tell about their experience in hell?

2009-08-04 4:37 pm

回答 (8)

2009-08-04 4:51 pm
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I believe some. Remember Jesus did raise Lazarus from the dead.
2009-08-04 11:42 pm
No. If they "came back", they never really died.

The dying brain is subject to culturally-derived hallucinations.
2009-08-04 11:42 pm
I do not. I believe there is no Heaven or Hell until Jesus returns. Until then, when a person dies, they're just dead.
2009-08-05 12:04 am
No. No one has gone to heaven or hell yet. Anyways, once you are there, you are there to stay. It isn't "Ok, you're in hell, but oops, looks like the doctors brought you back to life, time to go back!"
2009-08-04 11:57 pm
no. it specificaly says in the bible that onc a person has crossed over into heaven or hell, there is no returning. but people can have dreams or visions about going t hell. like my moms best friend named barbara. well thats confusing ok anyways, barbara's brother wasnt a christian and one day her brother(chris) got into a car accident and his car cught on fire. someone pulled him from the car and he said that was his experience that he was in a burning pit(like hell) and "God" pulled him out. he was saved afte that. and people have had dreams about going to hell. butno man has ever physically been to heaven OR hell and come back. God can show us what hell or heaven is like to make us fear or to not fear him. so the answer to your question is no.
2009-08-04 11:53 pm
Yes I have seen it happen know it sounds weird but have a friend who it happened to! He was falling down a deep dark surface where he couldn't see a thing I believe it was like a reminder of what the world used to be like. The first thought that came to his mind was God and when he called out he was alive again so now he is a full Christian.

Hell will be created at the end when the devil and all his followers will suffer.
參考: Christian
2009-08-04 11:53 pm
Months and months ago someone here posted a link about a man who claimed to have gone to hell and back. I was amazed. I have never had a near death experience but many of his experiences with God were the same as mine.
I believe some accounts are true and some perhaps not true.
2009-08-04 11:48 pm
I personally know people who have had an after death experience, but I don't believe in them as an individual, I believe their story and reason that their return was for a purpose, and a means to right what ever they needed to right or fix, in this life as a second chance for their eternal position in the life here after.
your friend

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