
2009-08-05 7:50 am
我係做中式酒樓既,有時候都要遇到一D外國客人,所以想學幾句日常既旁下身~~我既英文so Bad=。=

回答 (3)

2009-08-05 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實之前個位小姐答得好好, 我只係想補充一下, 因為佢答既係比較正規, 但係係餐館既地方或者習慣上比較少咁講, 你可以參考一下

1. 因為文化既問題, 外國人好少企係度就要諗定食乜. 通常佢地要睇左餐牌先決定, 所以, 我個人覺得如果直接翻譯呢句係有d問題, 所以我會提議咁講,

Good evening Sir/Madam, can I help you? Today's our special is hot-pot buffet. Would you like to try? Or you prefer to have traditional chinese cuisine?

先生/女士, 晚安, 有乜可以為你效勞? 今日我地有火鍋自助餐, 你地想唔想試? 定係你地想試我地既傳統中餐?

2. 基本上同樓上位女士既答案相同.
Our hot-pot buffet only costs you $88 per person for all you can eat and you can enjoy it for two-hour long.

3. You can drink as much as you can. We have soft dirnks, sweet-sour plum, sugarcane and SKOL beer.

4. I am sorry. My english is not that good. I am not very sure whether you got my meaning.
樓上位小姐講得好好.. 可以跟住同個客講 - 不如你可以跟我既經理講.
I am sorry. My english is not good enough. May I introduce my Manager to talk to you?

5. Today's special is lobster and traditional chinese soup. Would you like to try?

6. Which soup you want for the hot-pot? Do you want a normal one or spicy one?

2009-08-05 12:03 pm
1. How are you doing? How many people are in your party? Are you eating hotpot or Chinese dishes?
2. Our “All you can eat” hotpot buffet is a real bargain. You can spend two hours entirely in the buffet, and the price for each person is only $88.
3. We have soft drinks, sour plum soup, sugarcane liquid, and lion brand beer for your enjoyment. The drinks are “All you can drink.”
4. Sorry, my English is not very fluent, I don’t know how to convey my messages to you.
5. Would you like to try our lobster and stew since they are very fresh?
6. Which hotpot soup base would you prefer? The regular one or the spicy one?
2009-08-05 10:34 am

1.你好~請問幾多位?食火鍋還是小菜? = Hi, how are you doing today? ... How many peoples? Would u like to try our hot-pot buffet or traditional chinese dishes?

2.我們的任食火鍋很抵食,任食兩小時,埋單價每位$88 = Our hot-pot buffet is only 88 dollars per person and you can enjoy 2 hours long....

3.我們有汽水、酸梅湯、竹蔗水、啤酒任飲 = with FREE beverages (u can use drinks) of soft drink, sweet-sour plum drink, sugarcane drink and 獅威 beer

4.對不起,我的英文不是很好,不知道怎樣表達我的意思 = I'm sorry my English is not good enough, I don't know how to say it. (actually u no need to say that, u can say ... I'm sorry my English is not good enough, may I introduce my Manager to talk to you?)

5.今天的龍蝦和燉湯都很新鮮,要試一下嗎?= Today we have a special lobster soup and traditional chinese soup, they are really good.

6.請問要哪一種火鍋湯底?普通的還是辣的 = Which soup do you like for your hot-pot? or ... what kind of soup do you like for your hot-pot?

2009-08-05 02:36:53 補充:
5.今天的龍蝦和燉湯都很新鮮,要試一下嗎?= Today our lobsters are very fresh and our traditional chinese soup are very good too

2009-08-05 02:37:21 補充:
要試一下嗎?= would u like to try them/it?
參考: living in usa

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