
2009-08-05 5:21 am
如題 , 請問這個符號是甚麼意思和怎用的?

EXAMPLE: Abcdef "XYZ" ghijkl.

回答 (1)

2009-08-09 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
引號Quotation Marks ( " " / ' ' )
引號分單引號(single quotation marks) 和雙引號(double quotation marks) 。單引號只用在一個直接引語中所含有的另一個直接引語上。

1. 表示直接引語。當直接引語超過四行或多於40 個字詞時, 一般不用引號而改用黑體字以便與文章的其他部分界線清晰
"Well, "the foreigner said to him ," you look like an engineer. "
句號和逗號必須置於引號(雙引號和單引號) 之內。
He told the gunman ,"I refuse to do that ";his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.
She called this schedule of activities her "load ":work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.
The teacher asked , "Could you understand me"?
Did the teacher ask ,"Have they gone"?
Did the teacher ask ,"They have gone ?"
The frightened girl screamed ,"Help"!
The fellow only said ,"Sorry !"
He interrupted me , "Now , listen"--and went on saying.

問號、感嘆號和破折號有時置於引號之內, 有時置於外號之外。如果所引內容本身是疑問句或感歎句或帶有破折號, 問號、感嘆號或破折號一般放在引號之內。否則,放在引號之外。
2. 標明短篇出版物的標題, 諸如雜誌、報紙上的文章、短詩、短篇故事和整部書的某一章節。
Have you read"The Old Man and the Sea"?
Chapter three is entitled"The Internet . "
3.表示所用的詞語具有特殊意義。另外,當俚語出現在較正式的文章中, 也用引號引起來, 以表示文風的有意轉變。
The report contained the"facts"of the case.
The speaker owns a"fat farm"in California , which slims down rich overeaters for $2 , 500 a week.
4. 用於表示引起讀者注意的詞語, 或讀者不熟悉的特殊詞語。
It is customary to say"Youpre welcome" whenever anyone says"Thank you. "
"SOS"is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger.


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