Applied Maths - Mechanics 30

2009-08-04 9:47 pm
A small bead can slide in a smooth straight tube which has length a and is of the same mass as the bead. The ends of the tube are closed. The tube is placed on a smooth horizontal plane and is projected with speed u in the direction of its length, while the bead remains stationary relative to the horizontal plane until struck by the tube.

Find the distance travelled by the centre of mass of the system between the first and the nth impact.

回答 (3)

2009-08-05 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

After first impact: y1 – x1 = ev
After second impact y2 – x2 = e(x1 – y1)
| y2 – x2 | = e| x1 – y1 | = e2v
After third impact | y3 – x3 | = e| x2 – y2 | = e3v
After n-1th impact | yn-1 – xn-1 | = en-1v
Time between first and second impact = a / | x1 – y1 | = a/(ev)
Time between second and third impact = a / | x2 – y2 | = a/(e2v)
Time between n-1th and nth impact = a / | xn-1 – yn-1 | = a/(en-1v)
Total time between first and nth impact = (a/v)[1/e + 1/e2 + 1/e3 + … + 1/en-1]
= (a/v)(1/e)[(1/e)n-1 – 1]/(1/e – 1)
= (a/v)[(1/e)n-1 – 1]/(1 – e)
= (a/v)(1 – en-1)/[en-1(1 – e)]
Initial momentum = mv which remains constant throughout no matter how many impacts
The centre of mass of the system is always mid-way between the centre of mass of the tube and the bead and the velocity of the centre of mass = mv/(m + m) = v/2
Distance traveled by the centre of mass = (a/v)(1 – en-1)/[en-1(1 – e)](v/2)
= a(1 – en-1)/[2en-1(1 – e)]

2009-08-04 20:45:25 補充:
where x and y are the velocities

2009-08-04 20:45:36 補充:
where x and y are the velocities
2009-08-05 6:27 am
What I want to say is:
If there's only a minor mistake, just express the opinion here and no need to make the second answer cos this will give a feel to the first answerer that he is being 針對.
2009-08-05 4:46 am
I think the correct answer should be:
Time between (n-1)th and nth impact:

Total time taken between first and nth impact:
=a/ue + a/ue^2 + ...+a/[ue^(n-1)]
=a[1 - e^(n-1)]/[ue^(n-1) (1-e)]

2009-08-04 20:47:03 補充:
As center of mass moves with speed u/2 all the time,
distance travelled by the centre of mass:
=a[1 - e^(n-1)]/[ue^(n-1) (1-e)] x u/2
=a[1 - e^(n-1)]/[2(1- e)e^(n-1)]
which is independent of the fact that n is even or odd.

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