
2009-08-04 6:57 pm

回答 (3)

2009-08-08 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-08-05 2:09 am
如果係大陸未必會平好多禾, 因此你要係香港揾裝修cf幫你裝, 其實計落條數係差多咋

仲有就係如你訂左落黎有咩問題, 又要等大陸個邊運過d料過黎先再裝得

又浪費時間, 唔啱又唔可以即時有得執
2009-08-04 7:25 pm
Sure it is much cheaper if you order at PRC mainland.
But the problem is:
1. Do you know where you can make it?
2. How you can control quality if you're not often there?
3. Traffic cost between mainland/ HK and time
4. Delivery Cost and Procedure
5. How can you comminicate between local contractor, mainland supplier in order to archive what you really want?
It is finally save around HKD 2 to 3000 if u can settle entire problem, so i truly suggest that..... Forget it la.

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