function (programming C++)?

2009-08-03 2:59 pm
Write a simple program that can perform arithmetic operations (+, -, * and \) of two integers and display the result of each operation. Ask user to select which arithmetic operration to perform. Each arithmetic operation has to be performed in a function.

here is my answer:

float calculate(float x,float y);
int main()
float x,y;
char operation;
printf("please key in value of x and y: \n");
printf("please enter the operation you want to perform (+, -, *, /):\n");
return 0;
float calculate(float x,float y)
if (char operation = '+')
float add=x+y;
printf("the sum is %f+%f=%f\n",x,y,add);
else if (char operation = '-')
float subt=x-y;
printf("the subtraction is %f-%f=%f\n",x,y,subt);
else if (char operation = '*')
float mult=x*y;
printf("the multiplication is %f*%f=%f\n",x,y,mult);
else if (char operation = '/')
float div=x/y;
printf("the division is %f/%f=%f\n",x,y,div);
return 0;

but yet.. i still can't get what i want... =(
Anyone can help me???

回答 (3)

2009-08-03 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are a number of things you need to correct:
1) the variable char operation have been declared inside the main function, so it cannot be accessed from any other function. The scope of a local variable is limited to the function in which it is declared. So you cannot access the operation variable from the calculate function.
There are three solution.
a) Make the char operation a global variable by declaring the variable outside any function, (just after the #include statements)
b) Pass the operation variable as a parameter to the function calculate, so the prototype of function becomes:
float calculate (float x, float y, char operation);
c) Have separate functions each for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and call the appropriate function from main() based on the operation input.
switch (operation) {
case '+':
result = addition (x,y);
case '-':
result = subtraction (x,y);
... ... ... and so on. You can use if-else instead of switch-case also.

2) in the function calculate, the statement
if (char operation = '+')
has two problems:
the operator '=' s assignment operator, what you need here is comparator, i.e '=='.
and the keyword char is not required inside the if condition.
so it should be:
if (operation == '+'),
Same for other if statements in the function

3) scanf("%s",&operation);
%s is a format specifier for string, use %c for a character

4) in
else if (operation == '/')
float div=x/y;
printf("the division is %f/%f=%f\n",x,y,div);
In a division operation It is always better to check if the divisor is not 0.
i.e y should not be 0, or your program will crash.

else if (char operation = '/')
if (y==0)
printf("ERROR: Division by Zero\n");
exit (1);
float div=x/y;
printf("the division is %f/%f=%f\n",x,y,div);
2009-08-03 3:12 pm
float calculate(float x,float y, char operation); /*operation parameter*/
int main()
float x,y;
char operation;
printf("please key in value of x and y: \n");
printf("please enter the operation you want to perform (+, -, *, /):\n");
calculate(x,y,operation); /*operation parameter*/
return 0;
float calculate(float x,float y, char operation) /*you must include operation as a parameter*/
if (operation == '+') /* "==" not "=" because you are comparing*/
float add=x+y;
printf("the sum is %f+%f=%f\n",x,y,add);
else if (operation == '-')
float subt=x-y;
printf("the subtraction is %f-%f=%f\n",x,y,subt);
else if (operation == '*')
float mult=x*y;
printf("the multiplication is %f*%f=%f\n",x,y,mult);
else if (operation == '/')
float div=x/y;
printf("the division is %f/%f=%f\n",x,y,div);
return 0;
2009-08-03 3:19 pm
I didn't test your code but i think this fix some problems :
2 problems i can see :
the first one you have to pass the operator as a parameter to the calculate function :
float calculate(float x,float y, char operation)
and use it to do the test

the second problem :
you used the assign symbol '=' and you should use the '=='

so the test would be : if (operation == '+') ....
else if (operation == '-')
else if (operation == '*')
else if (operation == '/')

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