Drive in LA, Chicago需要申請國際車牌??

2009-08-03 8:09 pm
Hi, i'm planning to go to LA, Chicago and Gary Indiana in a month. I have a valid HK driving licence, can I drive in those states without international driving permit?

Please help!!!

回答 (3)

2009-08-04 7:43 pm
Q, Drive in LA, Chicago需要申請國際車牌?
A, 不需要.

[California Driver Handbook 2009]

(Adults Visiting California).

Visitors over 18 years old with
a valid driver license from their
home state or country may drive in
California without getting a driver
license as long as their home state
license remains valid.

(From AVIS Car Rental).

Avalid driver's license is required for all operators of anyAvisvehicle. The license must be valid at the time of rental, andremainvalid throughout the rental period. All drivers must meetAvis'requirements. Driver's licenses accepted in the U.S. are: Any license issued by any U.S. state, territory or possession.
A license issued by a Canadian province. Alicense issued by a country that participated in the 1949Genevaconvention on Road Traffic or the 1943 Convention on theRegulation ofInter-American Automobile Traffic.(suitable to HK).A license issued by a country that has a reciprocal agreement with the U.S.(suitable to HK). International Driver's Permits are valid only if presented with the original local license. An International Driver's Permit it not acceptable by itself.

Good Luck!

2009-08-04 12:54 am
In answering your question:

It will best for you to have one. But technically it is not required.

The reason is International Driving Permit (IDP) is not valid unless you have your own driver license together. IDP is a translation only.

2009-08-03 8:18 pm
sure u hv to apply one. it's easy, just go up to 運輸處 fill in a form + a passport photo + $80. 即時申請, 即刻有取. 有效期為申請日起計 1年. so when u renting ur car in the US. u hv to show ur int'l driver's licence + ur credit card. i used to rented a car no matter in USA or Canada. i m a frequent traveller there. n a tip for u. if u book the car via Avis HK in advance. the rental wil be way more cheaper than u walk-in at their airport Avis office.

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