Is ”is” is a verb問題

2009-08-03 2:44 am
you are a boy
are you a boy?

回答 (5)

2009-08-03 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
is/am/are 叫 linking verb (大部份人叫verb to be)

Is " is " a verb?呢佢先正確

(linking Verb) + (noun) + (article) + (noun)?
2009-08-03 4:10 am
動詞 - am , are , is, was, were are verb to be.
You are a boy.
Are you a boy?
He is a boy.
Is he a boy?
She is a girl.
Is She a girl?
I am late.
Am I late?
We are late.
Are we late?
You are late.
Are you late?
They are late.
Tom & I are late.
Are they late?
He was late yesterday.
We were later yesterday.
2009-08-03 3:05 am
Is ”is” is a verb
Is " is " a verb?咩
"Is" is a verb
2009-08-03 2:54 am
"Are" and "Is" aren't the verb

"Verb" usually describe the action that it may happen, for example

We will go to the park, "go" is a verb
2009-08-03 2:48 am
are is都係verb
參考: 自己

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