F.3 math~10marks...help me

2009-08-02 1:59 am

You have to arrange the seats in a hall for a speech as shown in the figure. The seats should be arranged in a way so that there are 50cm of seat width(座闊) and 85cm of seat pitch(座椅排距). Each row should not consist of more than 10 seats.The width of each aisle (通道) should not be less than 1m. No seats are allowed in the shaded area (4x4 square).

(a)What is the maximum number of rows of seats in the hall?

(b)What is the maximum number of seats in the hall? Sketch the corresponding seating plan.

回答 (2)

2009-08-14 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) The maximum number of rows of seats in the hall is 35.
b) The maximum number of seats in the hall
= 30 X 6 + 34 X 8 + 34 X 10 + 35 X 10
= 1142
the corresponding seating plan is as follows :


As you can see from the diagram, the distance of each row is 1m and the maximum number of seats of each row is 10.
Please visit http://s248.photobucket.com/albums/gg191/ncy_0916/f2maths28.jpg if you cannot see the image.
2009-08-07 9:45 pm

Where does this question come from?
It is very difficult.

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