email 通知放假~~

2009-07-31 9:03 pm
o岩唔 o岩呢?

I’ll off on 7/8 & 10/8, If u need to issue DN, please email to XXX & please mail out the letter by yourself

回答 (3)

2009-07-31 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date: xxxxxx
To whom It may concern
I am currently off on 7/8 & 10/8 (two days only) from 7/8-10/8 (4 days) . If you need to issue Debit Note (DN), please kindly email to xxxx and email it out to the recipient.
Thanks and regards,
your name
2009-08-01 3:06 am
I will be on leave from 7 Aug 2009 to 10 Aug 2009. If you would like to issue any DN, please email to XXX and please sent it in person.
Thank you very much for your attenion.

2009-07-31 9:19 pm

I’ll off on 7/8 & 10/8, If u need to issue DN, please email to XXX & ( please mail out the letter by yourself ) <- impolite la.

or you would write as below:

I m currently out of office from 7 Aug to 10 Aug. Please contact the email : xxxxxx

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