Being a Christian...I pledge allegiance to?

2009-07-31 4:23 am
The Flag of the United States of America
Which should it be?
You cannot serve 2 masters

回答 (33)

2009-07-31 4:50 am
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Hey, CuriositySatisfaction;

I am presuming that you are in search of a scriptural answer to your question.

God demands 'exclusive devotion.' (See 'Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:5 "“You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion."

A flag is merely a cloth image. One's standing before it, and singing religious hymns to it, and saluting it, would be seen by many as acts of worship.

Not surprisingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not alone in believing that the flag salute is related to worship, as the following comments show:

“Early flags were almost purely of a religious character. . . . The aid of religion seems ever to have been sought to give sanctity to national flags.”—Encyclopædia Britannica.

“The flag, like the cross, is sacred. . . . The rules and regulations relative to human attitude toward national standards use strong, expressive words, as, ‘Service to the Flag,’ . . . ‘Reverence for the Flag,’ ‘Devotion to the Flag.’”—The Encyclopedia Americana.

“Christians refused to . . . sacrifice to the [Roman] emperor’s genius—roughly equivalent today to refusing to salute the flag or repeat the oath of allegiance.”—Those About to Die (1958), by Daniel P. Mannix, page 135.

Jehovah’s Witnesses intend no disrespect for any government or its rulers by a refusal to salute the flag. It is just that they will not, in an act of worship, bow down to or salute an image representing the State. They view it as similar to the stand taken in Bible times by three young Hebrew men who refused to bow down before the statue raised up on the plain of Dura by Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. (Daniel, chapter 3) So then, while others salute and pledge allegiance, children of Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught to follow their Bible-trained consciences. Thus, they silently and respectfully refrain from participating. For similar reasons, Witness children choose not to participate when national anthems are sung or played.

I hope this helps to answer your question.

參考: Education and Jehovah's Witnesses--Moral Values That Merit Respect (c) 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures – Reference Edition (c) 1961, 1981, 1984 by Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania
2009-07-31 4:29 am
I'm Canadian
2009-07-31 4:27 am
How about neither?
2009-07-31 4:28 am
But to the wicked God says, What right have you to quote my law, or take my covenant upon your lips? You despise my instruction, and cast my words behind you.
參考: Psalm 50
2009-07-31 4:29 am
The order for a Christian is:

1st God, then family, then country with no exceptions
2009-07-31 4:27 am
You mean YOUR God?
參考: fallacy of Pascals wager.
2009-07-31 4:28 am
God first, then the flag. Countries come and go, God is forever.
2009-07-31 4:32 am
I am patriotic toward my country (flag) but I WORSHIP my God. Totally different.
2009-07-31 4:28 am
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...
2009-07-31 4:29 am
You should ultimately serve God but that doesn't mean you can't love your country.
2009-07-31 4:30 am
you do know that god was not in the original pledge right?
2009-07-31 4:29 am
If you think about what it's actually saying you might have a different view:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which is stands, one Nation UNDER God

It puts God in the proper place. Everything else is under God.
2009-07-31 4:27 am
That's why unpatriotic christians put the flag and our nation UNDER their God. In fact they changed out pledge to take America down a notch. Now they try to force the rest of us to accept that our country comes SECOND.
2009-07-31 4:31 am
God...but the Bible is very clear about having respect for government authorities.
2009-07-31 4:31 am
No, you cannot serve two masters - which is exactly why Christ said "give unto Caesar [your country] that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is god's".
2009-07-31 4:28 am
Actually, one's own nation is a Gift From God to that person.

Proof: Israel is God's Gift to the Jewish people.
2009-07-31 4:42 am
The United States of America, this is the Law.
Laws are divided into:
Federal Laws -Laws of the Land
State Laws- Autonomy of each state
Administrative Laws-Business
Cannon Laws- Church /Gods

As you say you cannot serve two masters but you can.
By Cannon law abortion is illegal.
By state law it is not
By Federal law it is not.

As a police officer, whom do you serve? As a state employee I must uphold those rights of the individuals.
Now I did my job, but; I am not God, and I cannot judge another, about their freedom of choice, about why or what they have done, what they constitutionally do, legally by the law.
I do not believe in abortions per say (Catholic-Cannon law, Right to life) but I also understand ROE V WADE as an issue about the persons right to choose and the state or church not in control of that decision.
2009-07-31 4:31 am
Since when is respecting our country serving it in the form of it being your master?
2009-07-31 4:42 am

Patriotism and Worshiping are different. If your Faith demands otherwise---feel free to leave.
2009-07-31 4:30 am
GIve unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and give unto God that which is God's.
2009-07-31 4:34 am
What if it's the Christian or the Flag of the Bible? I prefer those to the Flag of the USA, but my allegiance to God is through the number of souls that I win--It's all about Jesus!!!

Be always blessed...
2009-07-31 4:26 am
God is your master?
2009-07-31 4:34 am
Don't be dumb.
There is a difference between allegiance and devotion/worship.
If you're going to argue semantics at least know what the words mean.


al·le·giance (-ljns) KEY


Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.

wor·ship (wʉr′s̸hip)


a.reverence or devotion for a deity; religious homage or veneration
b.a church service or other rite showing this
2.extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind
3.Chiefly Brit. a title of honor used in speaking to or of magistrates, mayors, or certain others holding high rank: preceded by Your or by His or Her
4.Rare something worshiped
5.Rare a distinct type of religious group, as a sect
6.Archaic greatness of character; honor; dignity; worthiness
2009-07-31 4:48 am
Hmm, as usual short sightedness and the grand picture is missed by those who do not sit back, study, and think.

God has let Christians from America be born in America. This is a blessing and a gift. As such when Christians are given such a gift they must take care of it. The responsibility of its safety and well being is in their hands. So in essence They are allegiance to God is shown by taking responsibility and maintaining what God has given to them as well as having that gift grow and share it with those who do not have as much.

There you have 2 allegiances in one. The primary allegiance is to God, our mission, Care for and Defend America for the greater good with our lives.

Didn't you know a good portion of Military members are of the Faith?
2009-07-31 4:37 am
I am a Christian, and as such my first and only priority is to God.
I live in the United States of America, and I render to God what is God's; and to America what is America's. At no time does my allegiance to this country come before my allegiance to God.
2009-07-31 4:34 am
God but still have to pay taxes to the government.
2009-07-31 4:33 am
I love America to DEATH!!!!!!! but it is god. GOD is Always 1st
2009-07-31 4:28 am
Why can't you serve two masters? I'm pretty sure you CAN do whatever you are physically able to. I can anyways. Anyone else?

I love America. I don't love the government. And I don't understand God... so no opinion there.
2016-09-16 4:00 pm
I are living within the United States, and i've attended public schoold wherein all of them rise up and pledge to the flag. i used to stick seated, i by no means pledged. i have heard many students of Islam announcing that pledging to whatever rather than Allah is haraam, and on account that the pledge of allegiance isn't mandatory for each person to comply with, i feel it could pleasant if we weren't pledging. it wasn't most effective me btw, another scholars that had been non-muslims however had been devout additionally stayed seated, and scholars from different countried. simply pay attention to the phrases of the pledge, and u'll simply discover what a lie it's......
2009-07-31 4:58 am
Matthew 22: 21:

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

It is not serving two masters. The Flag of the USA is NOT our is the symbol of our nation,

It's the flag of the martyrs gone before, it's the flag of flags, the banner of our nation.
It's a beacon for all who share our dream of a new day without domination.
It's the hope of the peoples now oppressed and a symbol of their own emancipation!
2009-07-31 4:32 am
2009-07-31 4:30 am
2009-07-31 4:32 am
every one that said god is un American and should go move to Iran

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