Atheists: how do you cope with trails?

2009-07-31 3:18 am
such as:
depression, death, rapes, prejudice, judging, criticism, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, pain(physical), cancer, serious health problems, abandonment, loneliness...
I'm trully curious.

OOPS!! meant trials. I feel stupid now... :) thanks to anyone who didn't make fun. :P to those of you who did. it's not like you haven't made a typing error before... :)


oh COME ON people it's just a stupid typo!!!! trails, trials... almost the same thing if you look at it the right way... Goodness!!!!! Get over it! You know what I meant:P


Oh and don't judge me 'cuz I made a typo. 'Cuz then I can judge you. :) People have no compassion these days........


How did I react? Well, you said exactly what I thought you'd say, so I wasn't really surprised. Although I was a little perturbed at how people reacted to my typo... But yeah, I knew people would say what they did. I just wanted to ask.


How did I react? Well, you said exactly what I thought you'd say, so I wasn't really surprised. Although I was a little perturbed at how people reacted to my typo... But yeah, I knew people would say what they did. I just wanted to ask.


oops. just added that twice... :P another mistake:)

回答 (31)

2009-07-31 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Atheists: how do you cope with trails?"
Ah-ha; you meant tri-als.

Actually, I haven't and don't suffer from any of those.

Of course, mum died but that was cool.
I still miss her after 14 years but that's life - we all die.
Get used to it - get over it.

I am not a needy, whiny little coward who needs to hold teh imaginary hand of a geographically specific invisible space chappie.
I like life raw, sans condiments, sans accoutrements.

Reality: A Really Rousing Ride, Resplendent in Rationality, Reason and Responsibility.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
Lots of trail mix.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
I cope with trails through self confidence, love and strength from friends, previous life experiences, and common sense. How else would you cope?
2009-07-31 10:22 am
You mean 'trials'?

I just cope with it myself. If I need help, I ask my friends and family.
2009-07-31 10:21 am

Just joking...

I enjoy my life (because I don't believe in an afterlife- so I don't suffer from depression.
Death is just a part of life.
Call 911 if someone gets raped
Christians are the ones who need to deal with their. prejudiced ideas.
Cancer-go to the hospital... praying doesn't do ****.
The rest---you get the point.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
Trails are walked, trials are too. I have to cope or die. What other choice is there? Life goes on, you look for the good in life. You lean on family and friends. You take it one day at a time. Yes, it's a cliche, tell me Christians do it all that much differently.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
Like any other normal person would.
參考: Atheist
2009-07-31 10:23 am
I try not to trail behind...hehehe.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
Those are not trails. They are TRIALS brought about by human interaction. I deal with them accordingly.

Rev. Neil
2009-07-31 10:35 am
Always look on the bright side of life.
2009-07-31 10:32 am
Don't you mean "trials"?

I deal with them as they come, one at a time, just like everyone else.
2009-07-31 10:28 am
Sucking it up like a grown up would. How do you think a real man or woman would? It's okay troll-boy, I understand.
參考: Adulthood
2009-07-31 10:27 am
Trails I hike.

For trials. I deal with them. I get help from friends and professionals when I need it.

Having an invisible friend may make you feel warm and fuzzy, but where the rubber hits the road it counts for nothing. To extend the analogy, if I have no tread left on my tires, then it is much better for me to know and accept that. I can change my driving style accordingly, or get new tires. Pretending that my friend is going to take care of everything is a good way to crash.
2009-07-31 10:27 am
Personally i mark trails very carefully so i will be able to find my way back. I do like hiking, but i also go in unexplored areas of the woods so this is very important.

Thanks for asking.

How I cope with depression, death, rapes, prejudice, and all the rest that you named is, that I will do all I can to correct injustice wherever I see it happening. Ive always been like that. I will confront authority, I will demand change, I will use the legal system to make it happen if necessary.

As for personal depression, I always tell myself that tomorrow is another day, and I usually feel differently the next morning, as in better. If the depression is caused by someone I loved who died, then I know that mourning is a natural process and that it's not forever. I allow it to run its course but I dont get mired down in it. As for the rest, same thing. Good friends to talk to helps a lot, support from others is a very helpful thing because they offer an outside perspective that I may not have seen, and can give good suggestions.
2009-07-31 10:26 am
the difference between an xtian and an atheist--when there are trials the atheist puts his head down, puts one foot in front of the other-keeps going until the end of the trial is reached. Xtians--footprints in the sand--need someone to carry their butts. A man doesn't need anyone to carry him, only the weak and cowardly need someone to carry them.
2009-07-31 10:26 am
I cope with trails by walking along them (isn't that what trails are for?) As for trials... My attitude is basically "**** happens." People die, it's a part of life. People do bad things, it's a part of life. And I like pain, so that's really not a trial for me. I don't need an imaginary sky daddy to make me feel better when something bad happens. Whatever happens, happens. That's just the way it is. I don't need the comfort of knowing the rapist will burn in hell forever. Or worse, being terrified of the knowledge he's accepted Jesus, and I might see him in heaven. My outlook on life is, whatever happens, I'll survive. If I don't, then it's not my problem any more. It's actually a lot more comforting than it sounds.
2009-07-31 10:26 am
Do you mean trials?

I cope with them the same way any other healthy human copes with them, either by actively doing something about it or not doing anything about it.

If I'm depressed, I find something that will get me out of that depression. If someone dies, I mourn and then move on.
I've never been raped, so I can't say.
As for prejudice, I just laugh, and strive to be better off than those who dared discount my abilities on account of something irrelevant.
Physical, mental, and verbal abuse? I return it, ten times as hard. Then I leave.
Pain? Depends on how intense. Sometimes I actually enjoy the fact that I know that I feel pain but I will soon be done with it, and it will be conquered.
Abandonment? Never really been abandoned.
Loneliness? I go out and make some new friends.
2009-07-31 10:26 am
Death- support of friends and family, unless it is my own. Then I so not cope with it at all.
Judging, criticism, prejudice, loneliness, abandoment- friends and family.
Rape- police and friends or family plus a support group.
Abuse- remove myself from the situation, then friend or family plus a support group.
Depression or other health issues- Medical professional and support of friends and family plus a support group.
2009-07-31 10:25 am
A lot of these issues have professionals that specialize in helping people cope with the specific problems. As far as death, it's a part of life. We see this. I'm coping with the death of my girlfriend but I have yet to think I need some "man in the sky" to make me feel better about it. When you truly think about it, you already know the answer for yourself, we just don't kid ourselves that some "divine being" gave us something we already had. It's called intuition, those with half a brain know this.
2009-07-31 10:25 am
Oh! Trials! I cope. Since I don't believe in a god I do what I have to in order to get through life. I've been an atheist for fifty years and I don't need a imaginary person to lean on. We all are on our own, you just don't realize it.
2009-07-31 10:23 am
Its personal and different for each other
isnt obvious?
2009-07-31 10:23 am
I find a good pair of trail shoes is about all I need. Maybe a Camelback, if it's a long hike and particularly hot.
2009-07-31 10:22 am
can you clarify the question

Edit: I get up, dust myself off, if I need to I talk with family and friends, and go on with my life. Not everyone uses the same security blanket theists use. I move on with the help of friends and family. For example, I began college life in the dorms this past winter semester and had about a week of homesickness, feeling I was completely alone because I didn't know anyone. This wasn't true, my sister lived in town and still does and I had friends from high school who went to the same college, and still do, and every other member of my family online I could talk to as well. I don't need a god to keep my mood and determination up, I only need my family and friends, oh and some xbox 360 didn't hurt either.
2009-07-31 3:22 am
They just take a drink..
2009-07-31 10:56 am
Death and Pain - these are things that all things living experience ... I don't have to 'deal with' it, it just happens ...

Rape, Predjudice, Abuse - these are things that are intolerable for all of us and we deal with them according to the law of the land and, if the laws suck, we change them ...

Depression, Loneliness, Abandonment - If you are a secure individual, you won't ever feel abandoned. If I am lonely or depressed, i call a friend.

One thing though ... did you think that I'd be any different than you and how you'd react?
2009-07-31 10:32 am
First I think you mean trials not trails.

Second, I deal with them by coping and turning to my friends and family for support. It is easy for me to look to someone and talk to them about it and know that they are going to have my back no matter what. I think the best way to explain my outlook on negative things is the metaphor used the song Endless Night, "The night must end, the sun will rise. The clouds must clear, the sun will shine." I cope by knowing that all bad things must come end.
2009-07-31 10:31 am
good question, speaking for myself i deal with trials, by changing things in my life, hanging out with my kids, finding something to take my mind off whats happening, i really beleive we all have something that gets us thru tough times, for some its religion, for others drinking and drugs, and others just find something that clears there mind, myself i might play golf, or just hang with my 2 sons and their innocense and unconditional love for me with get me thru any storm, again very good question
2009-07-31 10:30 am
friends, happiness, a full life, medication where necessary. Just like anyone else really.
2009-07-31 10:24 am
doctors or people that i can communicate with me verbally, physically and mentally
2009-07-31 10:23 am
Support systems help. Talking to people who have been in that same situation that are willing to offer an ear to listen really make all the difference.
2009-07-31 10:25 am
I deal with it with the knowledge that Humans are innately evil and unworthy of even existing on the planet. We are a corrupt species who have elevated ourselves above our true status of 'animal with thumbs'. Just because we can invent a bomb to destroy the world doesn't mean we're better than even the simplest amoebas....
參考: not impressed with Humans a single bit.

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