What Will You Do When You Meet Jesus Face-To-Face?

2009-07-31 2:59 am
2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

According to the Bible saved people will stand trial for the things they've done (ex. not telling people about Jesus)

and the lost will stand in front of him and (Luke 13:27) "..he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."

回答 (56)

2009-07-31 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
When I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahh
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahhh
I can only imagine
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When all i will do
Is forever
Forever worship you
I can only imagine...
2009-07-31 3:01 am
honestly i dont know. probably feel like crap for believing he was a phony..i`m atheist =]
2009-07-31 3:02 am
2009-07-31 3:01 am
I plan to run right over his @$$ in my iron chariot, then free all the people he unjustly imprisoned in Hell for deigning to act exactly the way he designed them to.

What -- am I supposed to be quaking in my boots that he's going to send me to Hell? At THIS point in the game?

I intend to go down swinging -- and you better pray that me and mine don't come out on top...
2009-07-31 3:01 am
I dont think there is anything to say. He knows what I want to say better than I can put into words, don't you think?
2009-07-31 3:02 am
if you keep quoting your book of fiction at me, i'm going to start quoting Harry Potter back at you

We'll see which one is more entertaining
2009-07-31 3:10 am
I will bow at his feet and worship Him. I will cast my crowns at his feet. And I want to ask him first, "Where is my earthy DAD. I miss him so much! Dad died in May of '08 of esophageal cancer.
2009-07-31 3:08 am
Dance. Bow. Sing
2009-07-31 3:08 am
I can only imagine,
I will probably fall on my face in worship.

for the one who said "punch him"
you to will be on your knees.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
I am gonna ask for mercy.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
Say hello.
2009-07-31 3:13 am
I will fall at the feet of my Savior and worship Him...for saving me, for loving me while I was still a sinner, for showing me true love, and filling that emptiness inside me.

Then I will join all the saints in singing His praises!! It will never get old!
2009-07-31 3:07 am
Thank Him for saving my life and say sorry due to my sub-par performance.
2009-07-31 3:06 am
I will probably wont even be able to stand. It will be so powerful you know. I fall to my knees in worship here on earth sometimes so i know being in front of God and hearing him love and also judge me will only make me loose grip lol. I dont think ill even be able to speak
2009-07-31 3:05 am
i will say im sorry for all the sins ive committed and to PLEASE forgive me for everything ive done! ='[
2009-07-31 3:04 am
I will worship and praise him,and tell him Buddy you are awesome and great
2009-07-31 3:01 am
I would kill him just to see if he can rise from the death for the second time

I wonder how the law would take of that one. Can I really go to jail for murder if he comes back to life? That would be an interesting case dont ya think.
2009-07-31 3:14 am
I am going to bow down before Him and praise him for saving a lost soul like me, and I will go on praising Him forever and ever. In the book of Revelation, we're told that we will be given a crown of gold, and I will cast it down to Jesus's feet. I can hardly wait for that day when I see my Jesus face to face. What a day that will be!! God Bless
2009-07-31 3:07 am
I will bow down and worship him. It would probably all that I could do because I might be too dumbfounded to speak.
2009-07-31 3:04 am
I'd be speechless, really. What is there really to say? In the inside My heart would probably be pounding extremely fast though.
2009-07-31 3:06 am
I would believe in him and love him, and hope he sends me to heaven.
2009-07-31 3:04 am
Bow down and worship Him, fall to my knees, praise Him, but mostly be in awe and amazement.
2009-07-31 3:06 am
I never will I am certainly going to hell.
參考: A greedy atheist
2009-07-31 3:06 am
Give him some deodorant. No offense he is Jesus after all but he has been dead for a LONG time. He must have a very "unique" smell if you know what i mean.
2009-07-31 3:03 am
I wouldn't say anything because i would be more fascinated with the flying pig that is soaring through the sky.

Edit- Darn it! Someone beat me to that one!!!
2009-07-31 3:02 am
"Jesus Christ!"

If you ask me, I think when we die we might see what we WANT to see. So maybe you'll see jesus, but I'll see something different...you can't put all your eggs in one basket.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
i would complain that he didn't cut the hedges correctly
2009-07-31 3:01 am
punch him?
2009-07-31 3:03 am
run into his arms and say "finally" i am out of this cruel and nasty world
all of our sins have been washed away

well actually the lost will stand trial, the saved will face judgement for the things they did not repent or seek forgiveness for and everyone is guilty of that

oh i would also ask to hang out with Johhny cash, elvis, michael jackson and martin luther king :D
2009-07-31 3:01 am
if i met Jesus face to face i'd be like "Hey Jesus."
2009-07-31 3:02 am
Are you assuming that everyone reading this question will meet Jesus face-to-face?
2009-07-31 3:02 am
Probably say, "Oh oh"!
2009-07-31 3:04 am
Bible quotes?

That's ALL you have to back up this nonsense? Just hearsay?

Not all of us have the childish characteristic of believing just anything in a book, you know. Scam artist.
2009-07-31 3:04 am
Um, I won't be seeing Jesus face to face: he was probably under five feet tall.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
give him a tomb stone and then put him in the scorpion death lock
2009-07-31 3:02 am
WATCH PIGS FLY. THERE IS NO GOD, Jesus and God are figments of your imagination.
2009-07-31 7:13 am
I will have great joy pulsing through my very being,.....and what happens next.....after He says to me "Welcome home".......there might be somewhat of a pause before I hug Him for a few minutes with a grateful heart.
Well........that is what I have done here with people I love.........

and all the rest.........worship Him....thank Him...Whatever rewards I get I will lay at His feet (or His throne) or where ever we get to put them....because it was by His Grace this ol boy is saved.....
2009-07-31 3:14 am
i'll hug him and ask him to pray for me.
2009-07-31 3:04 am
Be very surprised
2009-07-31 3:18 am
I am a good person, but I don't accept Jesus as my personal savior because I don't think he exists. Therefore I also don't think the bible is anything more than a mythology. Does that make me evil? No!

Is it evil to torture your creations for not believing in something they weren't given the ability to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, or touch? Yes... That's kind of sadistic.

According to your book of lies...
Murderers can to heaven for repenting while genuinely good people are sent to burn for eternity because they never accepted Jesus.
2009-07-31 3:05 am
Probably say: "Um... can you come back later I'm a little busy now..." lol. I'd probably be jumping up and down screaming in my excitement... Finally!! someone to take me from the torturing world... !!
2009-07-31 3:04 am
its so funny how stupid and immature people are.
with your dumb answers.
all of you are going straight ta the dirt in the near future..

remember that ;]
2009-07-31 3:10 am
If I died and saw Jesus Christ from the Bible, he should not blame me for not believing he even existed.

I mean, there is no evidence for his existed, he didn't fulfill the Jewish prophecies in the Tanakh, and Jesus was a common name around then.
2009-07-31 3:01 am
im atheist u can email me and ask why later but plz answer mah question

2016-05-25 7:27 am
As a Muslim who is also believe in the second coming of Jesus, I have to be aware of the following: I need to be living a good useful life that will make me worthy of being accepted by God to join him and be his side. I must make sure specially that I have not wronged anyone in anyway that I God would not allow Jesus to accept me. Muslims understanding of the second coming is somewhat different of the way Jews or Christians believe 1. Jesus coming back to complete the final scenario 2. He is to clear his name from any deity claim that was associated to him. 3. he is to fight the Antichrist 4. Establish God's commandment on earth as they should be 5. His reign will be only for 40 years. 6. He will now die a normal death 7. This is not the end of the world 8. Remaining none believers are allowed to take control for few more decades and then the dooms day will explode ending the existing the universe (not only earth) The universe will just collapse as it was first started and a new universe of a different sort will restarted and and only then Hell and Paradise will appear as judgment of every that was living and now resurrected starts
2009-07-31 3:14 am
i'd be like "oh **** you are real. love your birthday though. god damn, you are sexy. i knew hamlet 2 was right!"
2009-07-31 3:03 am
since way more people die everyday than one guy could meet with in person will this be more like a group meeting? he must not have any time for anything else with all these darn people always dying!!
2009-07-31 3:07 am
I'd ask him where everything went wrong
2009-07-31 3:04 am
I'll ask him to join me for lunch at the local kosher deli. Gotta love that corned beef!
2009-07-31 3:08 am
It's about rising to Christ Consciousness. You aren't able to know it while you define yourself only as an ego personality with a whole slew of fear-based beliefs. "When you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer." (Stevie Wonder).
2009-07-31 3:06 am
As of yet there is no evidence to show that the Bible is more of a trustworthy source of information than any other religious book. In other words it is as creditable (or not) as Nostradamus' writings or the Book of the Dead.

Simply, it has no evidence to back it up as a reliable source of information either regarding the past or the future. You may not "believe" this, but this is what an objective review of the evidence shows. If the "god" of the Bible existed, or any god for that matter, there would be evidence that objectively and undeniably suggested this, but there is none.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
im assuming that this will be during world war z, because, well....Jesus died for our sins, now he's back for our brains
2009-07-31 3:14 am
If I'm wrong (I'm atheist), and god or jesus or whoever does exist, and I'm standing before them after my death. Oh' boy am I going to be pissed off. You can bet that I'm going to have a few choice words for those assholes. If anything, it's them who should be answering to us. Not the other way around. Especially for all the bullsh*t we've had to go through in this life and with them pretending to be absentee. Then according to your scenario, we're answering for not having false faith in something unprovable. Let the fireworks begin son, because all hell is about to break loose tonight.

Hopefully I'm right though and I won't have to deal with their b.s. after my death.
2009-07-31 3:08 am
If Jesus ever live his face rotted off years ago, so I'm never going to see him face to face.
2009-07-31 3:06 am
Tell him that he keeps getting my order wrong. It's supposed to be a corned-beef reuben, not pastrami.
2009-07-31 3:02 am
He never existed humanity was created by the Anunnaki

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