Question to Chinese speakers...please help?

2009-07-30 6:46 pm
so i have been making tons of questions for the past week on translations because im getting a Tattoo in Chinese. The problem is most people who get Chinese Tattoo's usually get the wrong translation and i dont want that to happen to me.

First of all i noticed there are 2 kinds of Chinese: Simplified and Traditional. can someone tell me why there is 2 kinds and can the majority read both? Because i want to get my Tattoo in traditional because the letters look cool.

and that leads me to my next point: i want to get a tattoo on the back of both of my arms. on the back of my left i want to get :Impossible is. and on my right i want it to say: Nothing. so the overall message would be "Impossible is nothing". so far from the answers i got you write it out like this:

the problem with that is i don't know where the space is between the "is" and the "nothing". and on top of that does it translate right or wrong?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

i just read that "不可能的不是什么都" translates to "Not impossible is not all". is there a way to match it up better?

回答 (6)

2009-07-31 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.> " Chinese " is a " Language " , that can wrote into form of "Traditional Chinese" & "Simplified Chinese"; and can be spoke in many " Dialects " !

2.> form of written

" Traditional Chinese "
( which was totally used in mainland China before, and now is still usually used in HongKong, China; Macao, China; Taiwan; Philippines.....)

" Simplified Chinese "
( which is usually used in Mainland China, Singapore.... )

the mainland China start to invent and try of using "Simplified Chinese" in 1955, is for the reason of more easier to learn and for promote Chinese globally;

there are several version of "Simplified Chinese" announce by China government and had been cancelled later on ( example: the version announce by mainland China at Dec. 20, 1977 had been cancelled after eight year of trial of usage on jun. 24, 1986; and the newest announcement of "Simplified Chinese" was on oct. 10, 1986 )

but not all "Traditional Chinese" are convert or have "Simplified Chinese" version, only those hard to write, and mainland China Government are now officially use "Simplified Chinese", but not restricted for using "Traditional Chinese" !

and after those trial and error, the latest announcement of "Simplified Chinese" by China government was on October 1986, only for around 23 years; so the generation as old as grandparents was also learned "Traditional Chinese" in their school time at China before. the "Traditional Chinese" is the one had been used for longer time, and still remaining a lot in "Simplified Chinese".

that's the reason why HongKong & Macao are already part of China, and they are still using Traditional Chinese on their official document, newspaper, and on TV !

and also still using by a lot of oversea chinese. and used also at their chinese newspaper. ex. Philippines......

but if you ask : can the majority read both?

the older generation in mainland China, and those oversea Chinese may read both in majority, but the younger generation in mainland China may not!

3.> Chinese Dialects :

there are many dialects in "Chinese" (CHINA) ;

the official one is "Mandarin" (官) (Guan) ;

it together with "Yue" (Cantonese) (粵) , "Man" (Taiwanese) (閩), "Wu" (吳) (Shanghainese), "Hakka" (客家), "xiang" (湘) & "Gan" (贛)... are declared by China Government and consider as the " 7 Major Chinese Dialects " in China, which used by a large amount of Chinese people within China and Overseas!


"不可能的不是什么都" was in wrong arrangement,
it's "不是什么都不可能的"

for tattoo i agree with what "whoknows" said : "沒有不可能" -the global known brand Addidas' slogan (Impossible is nothing)


nothing - 沒什麼 (沒什么 simplified chinese)
Impossible - 不可能 (same in both traditional & simplified chinese)

參考: - I'm a natural born pure Chinese, who are grow up and had travel at different part of China, and i travel and live also between different countries.... I know several languages.... ...ofcourse including both traditional & simplified chinese.... and can speak chinese fluent in different dialects: mandarin, cantonese, taiwanese.... ....had been passed china government chinese proficiency test at highest level with grade A..... and also was a chinese teacher before.....
2009-07-31 9:00 am
I agree that traditional Chinese is cool :)
although I can read simplified one...(actually most of us can read)

沒有不可能 is how Addidas' slogan (Impossible is nothing) translated in Taiwan, where uses traditional Chinese.
But 沒有不可能 is more like "nothing is impossible" than "impossible is nothing."

By the way, in Taiwan, "impossible is nothing" is just a commercial slogan, few people use that in their daily lives, neither English one nor Chinese one.

Perhapes you can tell us your purpose and let the Chinese speakers help you to think out a better choice.
參考: I'm Taiwanese
2009-07-30 7:22 pm
i am not a chinese but i think i can help cos i can speak chinese. first of all, simplified chinese means the characters are simplified from the traditional characters. most chinese people can read Traditional chinese because to them it is very easy even though some words might be confusing especially to the young ones. to many foreigners even who can speak relatively good chinese, they might know some Traditional characters but it is still hard to know most of them. yeah, if you study chinese in taiwan where they still use fan ti(繁体) traditional, you might be able to read both.

impossible is nothing....没有不可能
there is nothing impossible.......没有什么不可能
nothing is impossible...一切皆有可能

even a chinese language professor can't dictate that! if you translate the last one directly it will be meaningless to chinese people.

不可能的不是什么都 is all gibberish, that is an online translator i bet!
參考: i studied chinese for nine months and i am currently doing biochem in full chinese.
2009-07-30 8:13 pm
You are sensitive enough to know that what works in English may not work well in Chinese. You just chose an expression that exemplifies that.

In English, to express the impossibility is a more common and more acceptable expression; while in Chinese, the more acceptable expression is Everything is possible. 萬事皆可能

My suggestion is that you rethink the slogan of your choice.

As for the 2 Chinese systems, it can really be classified as the 'cultural revolution' of the ages [some might call it massacre]. Just imagine this --- After President Obama comes into power, he issues an edict saying that the English spoken and written in USA is too complicated, very difficult for the American masses to learn. So, we commission a panel of scholars and redesign American English to simply how A or W is written; or Food is written [saving one 'o' ought to make it easier for school kids to learn]. This is basically what and how it was done --- talk about the brutality of it all !

So, the Chinese characters were simplied. Example 廠 means factory, and that is how the traditional Chinese is written. 厂 is the simplified version, looking like a child hoodlum had smashed the contents out of it.

Unfortunately, China was not a democracy in the past 50 years [and still isn't]. So, for the masses had no choice but to learn simplified Chinese. And guess what, once it has become the standard and ingrained, it is little wonder interest groups want to keep them going .. though their had been rumblings to bring back the traditional Chinese to restore the original majesty and grandeur. For example, in the wedding parties, the invitations are usually printed in traditional fonts for their beauty and officialdom. Business cards also share this renaissance.
2016-04-11 11:42 am
2009-07-31 8:19 am
there is only one kind of Chinese... Chinese...
there are two kinds of characters...
Traditional (old)
Simplified (new --> since 1949)
ppl from the mainland learn Simplified and can guess Traditional...
people from HK and Taiwan learn Traditional and have troubles in reading Simplified...

the right answer for your phrase is:

没什么不可能的 or divide it as 没什么 and 不可能的

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