why wont best buy approve me of a dang credit card?

2009-07-30 4:17 pm
I am very confused on why I cant get a credit card from best buy to try and help reduce the cost of my laptop for college??? I have good credit for being 19 and I have been maintaining my current credit card for a while now have not missed one payment on it i use it to build my credit so I cant figure out why best buy will not approve me for one. my friends all got approved any idea why i cant??

回答 (13)

2009-07-30 4:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They review your debt to credit ratio. How much do you have on your current credit card? If it's over about 30% sometimes that looks "bad" to potential lenders. Also, if you have a car loan or other bank loans that could effect it too.
2016-10-07 1:36 pm
Best Buy Credit Card Application
2009-07-30 5:20 pm
If you only have one credit card and have been carrying a balance on that account (particularly if it's close to max), you will have trouble getting a second credit card. Pay off the balance completely every month.

It is also more difficult for people under 21 to get credit cards and will become more so when the new laws go into effect. You have to prove income.
2009-07-30 5:16 pm
Best buy charges 28% interest - you are not getting a cheap laptop, you are getting a laptop that is probably going to end up costing you double!

Store credit cards are hard to get, unless you have a well established great credit history most stores will not take the risk.
2009-07-30 4:34 pm
Credit is a very strange game in which you have to prove that you don't need it in order to get it. The only way to get started on it is to either find cards that are being given away freely or go through a financial entity that will consider your history with them over scores and numbers of lines.

Cards that are easy to get are often found on or around college campuses, where the credit card companies think they can dupe students into maxing out cards. (This is being cut back with the economic crisis, but they're still out there.) These are almost unilaterally terrible offers with very high interest rates, so the key to getting one of these is to get it, use it for just a little each month, and then pay it off in full each month so that you don't end up paying interest. This will help you start a 'credit history'.

The other, and perhaps safer way to get started is to go to your bank or credit union and ask for a card with a small limit (say $500 or so). The bank knows more than just your credit history, they know how much money you have on deposit and whether you've paid on time and such. So they have more information to go off of than Best Buy and may be more likely to give you a card. (That may not help, however, if you have a history of overdraws.) Some institutions are better about this than others, so you'll have to try it to find out.

Either way, bear in mind that the best way to avoid debt is to treat the card like plastic cash: something that must be paid off in full at the end of the month.
2009-07-30 4:32 pm
it all depends on alot of things. you might have some bills you don't know about. try getting a credit report and bringing it with you the store. You can always complain to the manager w/ your credit report in hand. Also, is your other card a department store card? it is not so good for your credit to have alot of those kinds of credit. Debtors look at then as an easy way to get in debt fast so they shy away from peeps with alot of them. You should get some kind of secured loan if you really want to increase your credit. Also don't pay things off TOO fast! Alot of peeps think that paying off credit long before it is due is good for them. ITS NOT! You're best to just make your monthly payment on time if not a little early. If you just pay off a loan right after getting it it basically does nothing for your credit score. And one last thing! lol! Don't make alot of inquiries into your credit status! That means don't apply for credit excessively or always check your score online and what not. that also hurts your credit. I guess it makes it look like your shopping crazy or just want to spend??? Good luck and keep paying those bills man! It's really hard to dig out from under bad credit! Believe me it's way easier to stay on top!!!
參考: I've dug out from under $35,000.00 in medical bills in 8 years on my own. That's my darn reference!
2009-07-30 4:25 pm
Best buy is tough
I have decent credit, a mortgage, three credit cars, student loan, and
personal loan, and have not missed a single payment ever, nor I have I ever defaulted on anything
but no department stores will approve me, not even wal-mart
I think These loans are approved to people with better than good to excellent credit only
Try Bill-me-later at Ibuypower.com or somewhere
just try to pay off the balance before they have finance charges if you get a no interest for whatever months. Their finance charges are a little rough, but they have approved me for anything or everything I have ever tried to buy, two computers, etc.

I love my desktop from them
2009-07-30 4:23 pm
If they refuse you they have to give you a reason. It most likely because you do not have enough credit history or are using too much of your credit limits on existing accounts. Pull your credit report from the 3 credit bureaus & check, there may be invalid information on your report.

Check your credit directly, do not use these web services they will charge you money.
2009-07-30 4:22 pm
you could ask them. it also could be your age and you might think you have good credit, but maybe it's just not enough. or you haven't been working long enough, make enough, etc. if you have had credit reports pulled too many times close together, it brings your score down. this may have happened even without you knowing it. at 19 you really don't have a CREDIT HISTORY. that's very important. your friend may have just been lucky ( or older)
2009-07-30 4:21 pm
With you being only 19 your credit history is going to be very light. Store credit cards are normally harder to get than a standard credit card...that and with the credit crisis...they are even harder to get now.
參考: Worked at Circuit City and dealt with this all the time with customers applying for a card.

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