疑點歸於被告 (中譯英)

2009-07-30 10:33 am
大家覺得可以如何演繹呢? 請幫忙, 謝謝!
(如果有普通譯法和法律専有名詞的譯法就更好了! )


回答 (3)

2009-07-30 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
defendant has the "benefit of doubt" .

2009-07-30 07:50:12 補充:
to be more appropriate : benefit of doubt should be given (or should go ) to the defendant.
2009-07-30 7:10 pm
你好! susanlau, 多謝你的提點!
2009-07-30 6:41 pm

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