Do you have a personal reason for wanting God's kingdom to come quickly?

2009-07-30 2:58 am
Sometimes we can be a little selfish. I recently wrote blog on an online newspaper so this is my reason, what's your personal reason?
could you vote it up for me to bring about awareness of HD?

回答 (12)

2009-07-30 9:01 am
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Looking at the news daily makes me very sick...People are sick, dying and in a very bad state.

The Earth is full of so much Wickedness and i'm sick of seeing people making a mockery of Jehovah.

....On a personal level,
August 12th will mark 1 year since my husband of only 19 months was killed in a car accident. The pain kills. I AM DYING TO SEE HIM!!!!!!! I'm sick of being a 23 year old widow.

..Also my 8 year old brother has type 1 Diabetes and i would love for him to go a day without needles.

But i understand that Jehovah's Day will come at the right time and that i really need to learn Patience.

Nonetheless, i'm aching for the new world.

One thing that always brings me comfort, is to know that Jehovah's Great Day is a fixed date. It does not move or change. So with each passing day we are a day closer to his grand promise.

The day that the Great Tribulation breaks out, will be a day of joy. Just the thought makes me get tears.
2009-07-30 3:08 am
2 tots & a bun in the oven! Is absolutely right!

My desire for the return of Jesus and God's Kingdom coming to this Earth will put an end to the sick evil ways of man.

I want to live in a world that is Governed by the Law of God.

Can you imagine everyone living by the 10 Commandments?
2009-07-30 3:48 am
Well I really miss my family who have passed. My mom and I were very close. I'm also tired of taking insulin shots everyday. Like some of the sisters on here, I can't have children either. But when I am able I will keep having them until Jah says "Ok, Thats enough" lol Also the news is so depressing. The poor children, aging adults and animals that are abused, it's heart wrenching.
2009-07-30 3:38 am
Hi there!

Yes! So imperfection can give way to perfection and send disease to an everlasting death !
2009-07-30 8:35 am
I'm sick of being sick...and I want to see my loved ones again..I hate the murders and the poverty and the bird flu and rebellious children....I hate what Satan has done to this planet.
2009-07-30 9:05 am
I am sick of being sick too Debbie. I am a barren woman who would love to have children I look forward to having perfect children and being a perfect parent
2009-07-30 3:04 am
I'm tired of reading crap on the news about how a bunch of IDIOTS on 2 seperate occasions in 2 seperate states allowed rats to chew off the toes of their babies...and chew the other to death. What the crap is this world coming to?? How do you NOT answer to your child's screams?
2009-07-30 4:49 pm
I'm just so tired of the crime, violence, wars, racism and the disrespect people have for our God Jehovah. The rich keep getting richer & the poor keep getting poorer. No true justice in this world. Let His Kingdom come, Amen!
2009-07-30 9:06 am
I'd like more quality time with my friends and family, instead of this hustle and bustle system that we live in now. I would like 100% of my industriousness to be for satisfying and meaningful work, instead of the countless vain pursuits that exist today.
Also, My husband and I would like to have children, but are purposely trying to remain childless currently to do more in Kingdom Service. I would like the end to come before I die, so we can share in populating the earth.
And on top of it all, all the wicked people out there make me sick, when I hear of their wicked deeds on the news and such. It causes anxiety sometimes for me.

With that said, I will be patient, because the most important thing is the sanctification of Jehovah's name and the vindication of His Sovereignty. Just stating the things I would honestly like in addition...
參考: Whatever Jehovah wills, let it take place.
2009-07-30 4:54 pm
Right now all Vot wants is to see Aunt Irene again. Death sucks :(
2009-07-30 3:10 am
You mean End Times?
2009-07-30 4:42 pm
I am tired of Jehovah's holy name being abused and ignored and mocked!!!! I dont care about my pain I dont care about my personal injuries I dont care about anything but my holy god being hurt at his heart and lied about by a pig with wings who deserves the hellfire he alone faces!!! his lake is where he will be tortured the way god's creations were and i am impatient for my holy god our beautiful loving god is to be honored for his good love and everyv time some even denies his existence i scream inside at that bastard fallen angel with the nerve to attack my kind and wonderful creator. May god damn him instantly this moment and yet not my will but yours father.

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