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想問平時睇既戰爭片(如Iwo Jima果D)佢地的軍服係真品還是假野來?(如二戰,越戰)
Depend on what kind of war movie you are talking about and how well is your connection to the government.
If you are talking about post WW2, then it will be usually authentic uniform, or remake to the exact standard. And almost most modern war movie (1991 and on) would be using authentic Military uniform, cos they are plenty and easy to find in surplus store, which a lot cheaper than you hire someone and make it.
If you were thinking Pre-WW2 movie, then it will almost always remake to some standard. Cos uniform before ww2 is extremely rare and expensive to get hands into.
Also, if you were endorsed by the Military organisation, you would get a lot of free uniform and free advise. Film like topgun would use all authenic things, even the aircraft carrier, not some staged knockoff...
As with most costume used in film, those "costume" would gave out to the actor/actress after use. it is up to them to sell it or store it or whatever.
They usually sell them as collectable in auction or so, but some actor do keep their own costume.
參考: friends work in games, movie as military consultant