跪救: ICl3 (20分)

2009-07-29 11:14 pm
Draw a diagram showing the shape of ICl3.

Answer: T-shaped structure

-->Please describe how you arrive at your diagram~

我懷疑ICl3超越高考課程範圍. 還請高手解答

回答 (2)

2009-07-31 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
The shape of molecule is included in the present HKAL syllabus.

First of all, you have to recognize that the central atom is I, which has 7 valence electrons and expands its octet in forming ICl3.

In forming ICl3, each of 3 valence electrons of I forms an I-Cl single bond, and the 4 electrons left as 2 lone pairs of electrons. There are totally 5 electron pairs in the central I atom.

According to Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR Theory), the 5 electrons pairs are arranged as triangular bipyramidal in shape. Since the lone pairs exert greater repulsions to other electrons pairs than bond pairs, the 2 lone pairs thus locate on the triangular plane. Only bonding atoms are consider in determination of the shape of the molecule, and thus ICl3 is T-shaped.

The shape of ICl3 is shown below:



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