(urgent) 想讀Master Degree in UK

2009-07-29 7:41 pm
I recently study in bachelor degree in one of the universities in HK and want to ask if I want to study master degree in UK:

1) What grade should I score in the Bachelor degree? (i.e.: GPA in HK)
2) Which universities is more preferable for studing in Accounting & Finance? (i.e: is University of Essex good? or others?)
3) Is that I should apply through the education agent in HK? If yes, which one should I choose?

Thanks for your help!

回答 (2)

2009-07-30 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 咁呢, 好多英國既大學, 如果你係想讀master 的話, 都係要2-1 (second-upper class honour)先可以讀既, 而即係B了..." 如果冇呢一個成績的話, 好多時, 大學都係唔會點收, 又或者要俾人放左去個waiting list 度既...
2) 如果你係想去讀a&f 的話, 可試warwick, essex 係hk 都會有d人聽過, 不過入warwick, bristol, birmingham 呢一d大學可能會好一d 既 =]
3) 好多HK 既agent 係唔會做postgruduate 既application 架, 佢地只會幫到去中學, 有一d 入大學都唔會做既, 所以呢, 自己去做就可以了, 你可以去果個大學既web site, 睇下佢有冇form 既, 因為好多時d學校都係會有online application, 再send d 野過去既... 你亦都可以send 個email俾佢地既..咁樣會直接同方便一d 既 :)
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-07-29 11:55 pm
1. In most of the case, not lower than a B or 3.0.

2. It depends on if you want to go for ACCA or CPA because for those subjects, the Master degree is nothing. Somehow qualifications in the industry are way more important.

3. It is up to you if you want to find an agent. I will say try to do it your own first.

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