
2009-07-29 6:28 pm

Crossword Puzzle:
1. To touch with lips to show love
_ _ _ _ _
2.A piece of furniture ; people sit on it comfortably
_ _ _ _
3.A subject you have at school
_ e _ _ _
4.To be afraid of
_ _ u _
5.An illness ; the sufferer has a ahigh temperature
_ e _ _ _

Use your own words if hints are given.
1.There was s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the seat. It was bag. (the opposite of "nothing")
2.The old man knew very well that the young man had told al_ _.(words which are not ture)

現在本人還有 Crossword Puzzle: 1. To touch with lips to show love _ _ _ _ _ 4.To be afraid of _ _ u _ Use your own words if hints are given. 2.The old man knew very well that the young man had told al_ _.(words which are not ture)


呢3條未有岩嘅答案,,如果你地有岩嘅答案答埋呢3條,, or other anwser嘅答案,, 請2答埋佢,, 如果答左我需要果3條,, 你就一定有10點嫁啦^ ^'' thz=]

回答 (3)

2009-08-03 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. kiss
2. sofa
3. geography
4. daunt
5. fever

1. something
2. lie
2009-07-30 1:10 am
1. kiss?
2. sofa
3. geography?
4. daunted?
5. fever

1. something
2. lie
2009-07-29 8:43 pm
1. kiss
2. sofa
3. sense
4. fear?
5. fever

參考: 自己

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