
2009-07-28 11:45 am


e.g.persent perfact: I eat dinner


回答 (3)

2009-07-28 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好,请看以下的参考资料咯,里面有所有的时式/时态 (tenses) 和一些它们的例子。
希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-07-30 5:56 am


2009-07-29 12:17 am
There will be present tense, past tense and perfect tense.
Present tense
- simple present tense
It rains a lot in Summer time.
I go to school at 8am daily.
- present continuous tense ( NOW)
It is raining heavily now
I am writing an essay and my sister is doing her homework now.

Past Tense
-simple past tense
It rained last night or yesterday.
I went to school yesterday or I was late in school yesterday.
past continuous tense - normally two action happen at he same time
I was doing my homework when you called me last night.
perfect tense
present perfect tense
I have read a book, which is borrowed from Mary.
I have finished my homework one minute before you call me.
I will call you after I have finished my homework.
Past perfect tense
The rain had stopped before you returned home
He had called me before you came home last Sunday/ yesterday / last week.

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