To atheists, what do you think of what my mom says?

2009-07-28 3:43 am
She says theres violence in the world cause so many people dont believe in god and they think theres no consequences for their actions.

She says they arent true christians.

回答 (37)

2009-07-28 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your mother has been brainwshe for a long time. She is helpless against her delusion of god.
2009-07-28 3:45 am
I think she should stop breeding.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
Crusades? Inquisition? Holy war?

Your mom is very, very wrong.
2009-07-28 3:45 am
She's an idiot.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
Ask her if she knows what motivated 9/11.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
hmm that explains the crusades dark ages and holocaust
2009-07-28 3:46 am
The Iraq war was started by Christians. Oops! Hitler was a Christian. Oops!
2009-07-28 3:46 am
No offense, but you're mom is a complete shmuck.

Here's something fun to do.
Ask her to explain the Dark Ages.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
Because most wars started in the name of God are certainly due to a lack of said faith...
2009-07-28 3:47 am
I can only hope for your sake that whatever mental illness she has is not genetic.

Edit: Tell your mom to look up the no true scotsman fallacy and that it also isn't her place to judge who or who isn't a true christian.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
There's also much violence caused by people who claim to be killing for their God
2009-07-28 3:46 am
I think your mom is deluded.
I also think she has it backwards if anything.
2009-07-28 3:46 am
Ha! And what makes her think SHE is?
Ask her at what point people started being "true" Christians.
2009-07-28 3:48 am
How does she know all people that commit crimes are non-believers.

America is a mostly christian country and Texas (red state)has the highest crime rate
2009-07-28 3:47 am
what does your mom make of all the violence committed by theists?
2009-07-28 3:46 am
her head is on backwards
2009-07-28 3:49 am
That's ridiculous. I work in a prison, full of the most violent and also the most religious people on the planet. The vast majority do believe in God and yet there are still fights, riots, and violence.

Religion doesn't cure violence. And in many cases, it inspires more insidious forms of violence.

2009-07-28 3:50 am
She's ignorant. How do you think the Iraq war started? It wasn't just because they felt like it, I'll tell you that.
2009-07-28 3:49 am
Its an average Christian fundamentalist statement, backed by no logic or reason.

Why are so many serial killers Christians? Because being Christian doesn't make you a better person, they believe they can just repent and go straight to heaven. In fact they may not even feel accountable to fellow humans. Accepting the claim that god exists doesn't make you a better person.

In fact the bronze age mythology known as the bible teaches that it is the authority on what is right and wrong, where people will just accept that something is right based purely on the fact that the bible says so, when it very well may not be. Things are right/wrong because we have used logic, reason and common sense to conclude that they are, not because some old book said so.
2009-07-28 3:48 am
shes wrong.
參考: atheist
2009-07-28 3:53 am
I think she's an idiot.
I think she needs to visit the rest of the world - most countries in the developed world do NOT have the level of violence you have in USA.
Invisible sky critters don't exist ...
Just by the SIMPLE act of looking around anyone can see that shït happens to all and sundry regardless of ANY thought, deed or circumstance, exactly as if there was NO invisible space chappie pulling any strings at all.
Most countries have laws; there ARE consequences for our actions; most people do NOT break the law.
2009-07-28 3:49 am
Your mom's a bit misguided
2009-07-28 3:48 am
your mom is retarded.

Look at the crusades and inqusition. People kill each other because their god tells them that is what they have to do. People are killing people because they think there interpation of god is right and the others is wrong. Man just cant learn to accept each other for who we are and we never will if we are all atheist it will still happen and if we are all religious it will still happen.

No one is a perfect anything. I bet your mom has sinned. I know she has because she is judging people with the statment you posted. There is not perfect christian or muslim or jew.
2009-07-28 3:48 am
I say nothing, i just LOL'd.
2009-07-28 3:53 am
God gave us free will. Christians and non Christians alike can be violent
2009-07-28 3:54 am
Your mom is an idiot. Religion has been responsible for more death and violence than anything else.
2009-07-28 3:49 am
She is mistaken...

How does she explain the wars done in the name of some gods, including the Abrahamic one...

Of course she doen't think they are 'TRUE" Christians, that is the normal cop out, but they never say just what a true Christian is... because it's different for all...
參考: IMHO
2009-07-28 3:57 am
Your mom doesn't know what she is talking about. It is the theists that can sin all they want and the just ask for forgiveness. Atheist suffer the same consequences for braking any laws in society. Mind you they don't tend to be breaking near as many as the faithful. Atheists aren't the ones filling up the prisons. Many atheists are atheists because they can't believe such a violent God (old testament) is real, nor would they want to be part of it. You tell your mom that atheists aren't the ones that cherish a violent baby killing and eternal torturing God. Most of them are just too moral to ever be a part of that evil.
2009-07-28 3:56 am
I think your mother's an idiot who needs to look at the real world.
2009-07-28 3:55 am
how old are you? you sound 4 but your mom sounds like she is from the 1800's.
2009-07-28 3:52 am
she is right, and the proof you need is to look at all the above posts and see how rude and offensive all the atheists are.

You and your mom are right. Some people rebel against there being an absolute wrong and right, and you cannot hold God liable for the actions of mankind.
2009-07-28 3:50 am
Rule no1 Mom is always right...

2 When mom is wrong, see rule number one.

Timothy, in the Bible, was taught the faith by his grandmother, and by his mother...then the Apostle Paul helped him out with some theology and some prayer....

but Paul was thankful for what mom taught Timothy.. be thankful you have a wise mother.

PS.....One of the original ten commandments was that we honor our father and our mother...guess a lot of folk missed that memo.
2009-07-28 5:06 am
She's an ignorant, delusional fanatic.
參考: atheist
2009-07-28 4:26 am
Your mother is deluded.
2009-07-28 4:10 am
Actually, it is the missionaries concept of this world have little worth but as a means to win converts and get to your-heaven-as-fast and good-as-you-can attitude. Those in promoting their religions have slaughtered more people in their version or definition of God then any war could have, even paganism fought wars to keep their own trinities and quandariesigh religions alive among their people. It surprises people today to know paganism and modern day non-Christian religions have trinities too. The idea of no consequences for our action comes from communal confessions via Christianity and earlier by Zoroastrianism (still a religion today), Buddhism and now with Islam. But the so-called punishments in Christianity is a ticket to a permanent hell--so those that feel they are going there anyway, what's the use of doing any good now? Islam took care of this by their laws, a thief will have his arm cut off, a woman will be buried alive, etc.

The problem of sin and you are responsible for the sins of others as in Adam isn't in Judaism to begin with. There is no heavenly reward or permanent "hades" anywhere in the Five Books of Moses. The mission for people here, God-Fearer or Jew or righteous pagan or atheist is to make this a better world, do random acts of kindness, "don't do to others as you wouldn't want them to do to you" concept, and save the environment, not injure animal, people or treat one person's religion more important than anothers in the search for righteousness is actually creating an opening for discussion in Christianity whether or not doing anything has any value (see Augustine's view on Predestination). See how modern God-Fearers handle this at
2009-07-28 3:57 am
I think that we do not see correctly the things of this world because it is so dim. We are very limited in what we can do if we do not have the senses with which to do them. Why should we be worried if this is the prophecy that we must all live through? Because no matter what anyone says, no matter what our beliefs, we are still all in the same boat, affected by the same things.

I believe that this is the will of God. The Light shines more brightly against a darker sky.
2009-07-28 3:49 am
The truth of the matter is that there's violence in the world cause so many people believe in the false gods.

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