
2009-07-28 6:01 am
i didn't go shopping last sunday,because my boyfriend and friendwent to work and visited her grandmother,i felt bored all day,i went for a walk with dog at 5:00,then i had dinner by myself after had shower,i went bed on 10:00 until this the morning.



回答 (3)

2009-07-28 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
...I wnet for a walk with MY dog...
...then I had dinner ALONE after HAVING A shower...
...I went TO bed AT 10:00 until this morning

eg: I felt bored all day, SO I went for a walk with my dog at 5:00...

邏輯上問題:男朋友探祖父,朋友與男朋友一起探誰的祖父,朋友探祖父(見到你寫“her / 她”)?

參考: 自己(F7 高考生 UE: D)
2009-07-30 12:11 am
跟住,,my boyfriend and friend went to work and visited her grandmother後面要+1個字: respectively(分別地)
跟住,,I felt bored all day之前可以加"therefore",,意思會好1d
then I had a dinner after bathing.
跟住,,系until next day.
(呢度就算你唔講今日,,人地睇左你上文都會知你指ge next day系今日)
2009-07-28 6:10 am
i didn't go to shopping last sunday.
Because my boyfriend and friends went to work or visited their grandmother.
I felt bored all day, i went for a walk with my dog at 5:00, then i had dinner by myself. I went to bed at 10pm after the shower and sleep till next moring.

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