回覆會計核數公司(接受報價)的信點寫? ( 急 )

2009-07-28 5:38 am
學校用的,最好有中文及英文版! 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2009-07-28 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ABC 會計師事務所經理先生/女士台鑒:
貴事務所於X月X日的來信有關本校年度核數的報價已審閱完畢,現特此函通知 貴事務所,本校已決定接受 貴事務所之報價。 煩請準備核數師委任書並安排送交本校進行審閱及簽署。
有關核數的事間表及核數前本校需要準備好的各樣財務報表、資料、列表等,請致電本校 (電話: XXXX XXXX)與 XXX先生/小姐聯絡。 敬祝
XX/XX/2009 (日期)
XXXX (會計師事務所名稱)
XXXX (會計師事務所地址 (需分開數行填寫))
Dear Sir/Madam,
Acceptance of Quotation
We refer to your fee quotation dated XX/XX/2009 regarding the annual audit of our school, and would like to inform that we have decided to accept the fee as proposed by your Firm. Please prepare the Letter of Appointment and send it to our school for our consent and signature.
Please phone Mr/Miss XXX at XXXX of our school in respect of the time schedule of the audit, and all financial reports, information and schedules which we should prepare before the audit is carried out.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of XXXXXXXX (填上學校名稱)

XXXXXX (填上校長姓名)
The Headmaster/The School Principal

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