英文問題,”in once” 一問

2009-07-27 10:41 pm
In fact, our supplier need to receive the total mould charge RMB 8000 in once.

我想講的是我們的供應商需要一次過收RMB 80000模費。

請問當中的的in once 的grammar 是不是錯了?
是不是沒有in once 這種語法的?


回答 (4)

2009-07-28 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, our supplier need to receive the total mould charge RMB 8000 in once.

Your sentence is full of mistakes!

In fact, our supplier needS to collect
the total amount of RMB 8000 in relation to the moulds once for all.
2009-07-28 12:13 am
our supplier needs to recieve a RMB 8000 mould charge in one payment
參考: self
2009-07-27 10:55 pm
當中的的in once 的grammar 不是錯了

是沒有in once 這種語法的

2009-07-27 14:55:36 補充:
是沒有in once 這種語法的
2009-07-27 10:45 pm
有係有"in once"這種語法的

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