
2009-07-27 9:27 pm
Being a doctor is always my dream, but i didnt think i would get a good result in 09 HKCEE, just around 20-21 marks (science). And in the coming Sep, i will go to study sixth form in UK. And i am considering to retake some subjects in GCSE, is it a good way to go? Strongly need your advise and thank you so much.

回答 (3)

2009-07-28 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 首先呢, 想講呢, 就算你retake左some of your gcse, 你既hkcee既grade係你apply ucas既時候都係要報上去架, 所以呢, 佢地都會知道你既ce result, 而呢, 佢地都要知道你個gcse 係幾時考既, 佢地見到你個gcse 同as 係同一年考的話, 咁佢地就會知道你係去retake 左, 咁對你個application 應響既....
2) 同埋好多時都係要睇下你既成績先既得既, 而家只係predicted, 都係好難講既... 咁呢, 因為如果suppose 你有20-21 分, 我個fd, 佢25分, 都俾uni reject 哂..." 所以好既hkcee係要既... 你而家咁樣apply 呢, 就要有好既a-level, suggest 你可以apply 多幾個subject, 咁都a 都, 咁會好一d 既... 而呢..好多時, 咁既時候, 你可以考慮一下APPLY一D 冇咁top既大學先, 咁至少會有大學俾到offer你既, 而ireland 亦都會有一d medics 既學校既..."
3) 再唔係, 我知道有一d course, 係bio related, 讀完個degree之後就可以入番去讀MEDICS SKU 既year 2/3咁既, 你都可以apply呢一d, 而我個fd, 佢都有apply到medics 既foundation 既, 不過要讀完個a-level先可以入既... 如果真係想讀medics 的話可以用呢一d 方法..."
>>而家呢, 讀MEDICS 呢, 好多人都想入既,所以呢, 如果你想入, 真係要好努力先得呢=]
希望幫到你丫, 有D咩可以再EMAIL我的=]
2009-07-28 2:24 am
In any university across England, your minimum quifications to enters medicine are 3 A's for your A-level, or 5 A's for Scottish Highers.

Even you meet the minmum qulifications, your statment and interview are very important as well. The reason of that is my friends (3 of them) who applied for medicine in some rubbish universities (ranking are lower than 60) and they are rejected even they are holding 5A's in Highers and 3A's in Advanced Highers which is the maximum quification you can advich in Scotland believe me or not.
2009-07-27 11:07 pm
20-21 marks is not too great a start, and I don't think retaking GCSEs is a good option, I would concentrate on your A levels. You will need very good results in A level if you are looking to go to the better unis (Imperial, UCL etc.). I know people who got 4 As in A level and still didn't manage to get into medicine but I also know someone who got into Leeds for medicine with ABB, so if you are not very picky about which uni you go to then your dream is definately realisable.


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