
2009-07-27 7:33 am
請幫忙翻譯以下句字為英文, thank you so much

1. 我是 XXX 公司打來的, 我們收到了你較早前申請 XXX 的表格, 但在核對資料的時候, 發覺你的簽署和我們的記錄有所不同, 請問你有無這張表格在手? 如果無, 你方唔方便前往我們的辦事處更新你的簽署

2. 你想幾時去同埋去我們哪間辦事處, 處理你的簽署更新?

3. 另外, 可否補回最近一個月的月結單或是儲摺簿的內頁, 但必須要顯示到你的姓名及戶口號碼, 才能繼續處理申請

4. 待我安排好一切, 我會再打電話給你 confirm 到時會是哪位同事幫你辦理所需事宜

回答 (5)

2009-07-28 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I am calling from XXX Company, and we had received XXX’s application. While we were in the process of verifying information, we found out that your signature is different from the previous records. Do you have this application form on hand? If not, is it possible that you come to our office to update your signature?

2. When will you come to our office to update your signature? And what branch will you go to?

3. Moreover, can you provide the most recent monthly bank statement or the inner pages of your saving book? The information you provide must include your name and your account number, we cannot proceed without those information.

4. We will give you a call to confirm after all the arrangements had been made. We will inform you who will be the person assigned to handle your case.
2009-07-27 9:31 pm


2009-07-27 6:22 pm
1. I am a XXX company calls, we have received your application XXX earlier forms, but verify the information in the time that your record signing and we are different, I would like to ask you whether or not this form in hand? If no, do not you go to our offices to facilitate updating your signed

2. When you want to go to the activity which we have offices to deal with the signing of your update?

3. In addition, can make up for the last month or monthly statement of the Reserve discount book pages, but you must show the name and account number in order to continue the processing of applications

4. Wait for me to arrange everything, I will call you to confirm my colleagues who will help you handle matters required
參考: me
2009-07-27 4:17 pm
1. This is calling from XXX company, we have received you application form. After verify your information, we find that your signature is differs from our record. Do you have the form on hand? If not, would you please come to our office so that we can amend the new signature for you.
2. When will you come to amend your signature and which office would you prefer?
3. On the other hand, would you please provide us your latest bank statement or your bank book including the front page with your name and account number so that we can proceed your application.
4. When arrangement is ready, we will call you by phone and confirm which staff is responsible to follow up your case.
參考: myself
2009-07-27 7:39 am
1. I am XXX company hit, we received you earlier to apply for XXX form, but in checkup material time, detected that your signature differed from with ours record, whether there is ask your this form in the hand? If does not have, you are not convenient go to our office to renew your signature
2. When do you want to go along with to go to our which office, processes you to sign the renewal?
3. Moreover, whether to repay recent one month-long the monthly statement perhaps the Chu Zhebu in page, but must demonstrate your name and the registered permanent address number, can continue to process the application
4. Waits me to arrange all, which colleague I will telephone to give you again confirm to be able to be at the appointed time help you to handle need the matters concerned

2009-07-26 23:41:45 補充:
I don't know I am all right =_= .
If I have too mant wrong word. I just can say sorry to you☆ˍ★

2009-07-26 23:43:55 補充:
If I have too many wrong word
參考: me, me

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