Future Tense--If

2009-07-27 4:35 am
If you feel better tomorrow, you will have to go to school. 同
If you feel better, you will have to go to school tomorrow.
究竟邊句先至喘? tomorrow的位置會唔會影響成句?點解?

回答 (3)

2009-07-28 4:10 am
If you feel better, you will have to go to school tomorrow.

If you feel better TODAY,<---------It means
if you feel any better today, you will have to go to school tomorrow.

This sentence is more logical.

If + present + future

If you feel better TOMORROW, you will have to go to school.

We are talking about what will happen tomorrow here.

We never know WHEN you will feel better.

Let's say you stay at school from 8:30 A.M to noon every day.

What if you feel better at 1 P.M?

You won't need to go to school if you feel better at that time!

It would mean sense if we changed the sentence to

If you feel better by 8 A.M tomorrow, you will have to go to school.

( I presume you will need around half an hour to travel from your house to the school.)

What if you feel better at 11 A.M tomorrow?


According to my analysis, I will surely use the first sentence.
2009-07-27 8:41 am


2009-07-27 4:49 am


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