Did Adam and Eve have a bellybutton?

2009-07-25 8:17 am

回答 (6)

2009-07-27 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the answer is no. Because they were created by god, and were not birthed. When people are born from A mother, an umbilical cord is attached and removed leaving the scar we know as the belly button. Since Adam and Eve were not birthed through a mother, they had no umbilical cord, therefore no belly button.
參考: Logic
2009-07-25 3:22 pm
of couse theyre normal people
2009-07-28 8:00 pm
Question is...did Adam have balls...or did he do whatever Eve told him to do!
2009-07-27 4:11 am
Well they never really needed one in the first place, so I don't really get why God would even give them belly buttons, but nobody really knows.
2009-07-25 3:45 pm
to answers this question you have to go in the past. there are many things that even science cannot prove today. for those answers you have to go in the past. this isn't even important.
2009-07-25 3:23 pm
Holy crap my pastor asked us that and told us to think about it XD
I dunno.
Great question =]

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