Let's all say hurray for Jesus. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

2009-07-25 8:08 am
Yeah!!! Woooo!!

回答 (22)

2009-07-25 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
*fart* what?
2009-07-25 3:13 pm
Um... (Coughs.)

2009-07-25 3:16 pm
Hooraaayy!!! I love my gardener. Even if he did **** up the rose bushes last year...
參考: Jesus, my gardener. Pruned the roses too close, nearly killed them!! >:|
2009-07-25 3:11 pm
That Mexican guy?
2009-07-25 3:17 pm
He is the KING OF Kings
And Lord of Lords hurray
Indeed =)
參考: I love Jesus
2009-07-25 3:15 pm

YAY FOR JESUS! He did a really good job on my lawn~!

...what? Oh, you mean the-... no, I'd rather not. His ego is already big as it is. Plus he cut my lawn last week, dude did the shittiest job possible.
2009-07-25 3:28 pm

+++Thank you Jesus!!!!! +++

\o/ \o/ \o/

Hallelujah!!!!! + + +
2009-07-25 3:13 pm
Hurray !
Happy now?
2009-07-25 3:13 pm
Not much into folksy language. How about lets laud, honour and glorify Christ.
2009-07-25 3:20 pm
Yeah the lazy beer drinking bastiach finally finished mowing my lawn .
2009-07-25 3:19 pm
**** you, jesus !
2009-07-25 3:15 pm
No thank you.
2009-07-25 3:11 pm
Hooray for PROPHET Jesus (pbuh) =)
2009-07-25 3:27 pm
*start cartwheeling* yaaaaay!...wait what? why are we cheering? is it his birthday?

where's the damn pinata?
2009-07-25 3:27 pm
Golf clap.
2009-07-25 3:14 pm
hurray yeah wooooooooooo
2009-07-25 3:23 pm
Hurray to my One and ONLY LORD & SAVIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-07-25 3:20 pm
Why do you all forget about the creator?
2009-07-25 3:12 pm
lets all say hurray for crack Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-07-25 3:12 pm
參考: : /
2009-07-25 3:11 pm
Hooooray. lol
2009-07-25 4:34 pm

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