
2009-07-25 11:21 pm
1.有沒come home呢個詞?

2.I feel sorry for/to you

用for 定to?

3.They devoted their lives to making China
the first democracy in Asia.


4.spared no expense

5.That was the true for past 10 years

6.all the above ones

7.I think everyone seems to see their childhood as the most happiest time
at the whole life.

8.I'm good on/in something

回答 (4)

2009-07-26 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I agree with most of the answers given by 001 but just would like to explan further for question 2: I feel sorry for/to you, 用for 定 to?

In this sentence, I would rather say "I feel sorry for you" than "I feel sorry to you". See the explanation below:

feeling sorry = feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.
1) to be sorry to leave one's friends; (sorry to + verb)
2) to be sorry for a remark; (sorry for + noun)
3) to be sorry for someone in trouble. (sorry for + someone)
2009-07-26 8:50 am


2009-07-26 7:02 am
1. usually we can use come back home or just back home

2. I feel sorry for you

4. no expense is spared means if no expense is spared in arranging something, a lot of money is spent to make it extremely good.

6. are you sure is all of the above ones or all of the above?

7. I think everyone/people seems to see their childhood as the most happiest time in their whole life.

Sorry for having different opinion from the other guy!
2009-07-26 4:50 am
我估你係oversea student,我都係...起澳洲

1.通常都係come back home

2.I am sorry to you.


4.連少少的錢也沒有分出來係:Even such a trace of the money has not sub-out

5.唔肯定...This is true for the past 10 years.因為到現在是對;
如果用past tense就係last 10 years(唔係in fact)


7.I think everyone seems to see their childhood who was the happiest time of life in the whole.

8.I'm good at something.

希望能help you
參考: myself

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