Why can't I fall asleep faster?

2009-07-25 7:55 am
I've been having trouble falling asleep...even when i woke up early and went to bed at 10 it takes me an hour or more to fall asleep
anyone know why?

回答 (8)

2009-07-25 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
is a boy on your mind? i used to sleep softly and easily at night when i was with my ex. now its so hard to sleep caus shes gone. :(
it can be a psycoligical thing.
just try to relax your mind that what i do these days
2009-07-25 3:21 pm
The way we train our mind to perform any special task and innerly give instructions to do well the same instructions are needed while getting ready to sleep. Mind is magic box the way you order it start thinking and accepting the instructions given for a task.Secondly to prepare in this order take firstly bath with hot water and this is the step to be ready by mind next to prepare for sleep.If possible after bath pray and thank God for the day you spend nicely and ask his worship always for next morning. Surely dear you will have certainly a sound healthy sleep without and disorders. Wish you will seriously act on this to have healthy from all angles.
2009-07-25 3:17 pm
You might want to look into acupressure massage. It's where you massage your hand or foot in certain areas to stimulate nerve centers. Its supposed to be able to help with relaxation.
Maybe try rubbing your neck and scalp to relieve tension.
2009-07-25 3:10 pm
try counting 1-10 several times repeatedly..
and ull fall asleep..
i do that sometimes when i cant fall asleep.. n it helps sometimes
2009-07-25 3:03 pm
try smoking pot just 2 hits you'll have the best sleep ever better then sleeping pills and no bad side effects
2009-07-25 3:02 pm
Overactive imagination?
I have think about something, listen to music or make up a story with my eyes closed so I can fall asleep.
2009-07-25 3:00 pm
Try excercising before you go to sleep
or take a hotbath before you go to sleep
or watch a movie before you go to sleep
my secret weapon
listen to this womans voice, relaxing
2009-07-25 2:59 pm
try breathing in with ur nose & out with ur mouth ............
參考: me

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