Should I get a laptop or iPod?

2009-07-25 7:54 am
My birthday is soon so I was originally getting a laptop that is $350 from best buy, but my iPod just broke a little while ago so now I don't know which to get...I have been wanting a laptop of my own for a while because I hate sharing one with 4 other people but I love music..


What would you do?

I am highly aware of laptops holding music, I meant for when I am not on my computer... I go outside and usually listen to music.

回答 (41)

2009-07-25 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Definitely laptop. Laptops can hold loads of music!
Laptops have way more functions than iPods, anyhow. :)
2009-07-25 8:11 am
Well it's your decision. Don't get an ipod or a laptop based on what other people tell you. You are the one that is going to use either an ipod or a laptop, so you should really take your time to think about what you really want. I just don't want you to get either an ipod or a laptop based on other people's opinions and then regret the decison later and then blame yourself for not deciding on your own.

That's a tough chioce though, laptops you can get all the music you want, talk to your friends online, use your laptop to do your homework, do research as well as loads of other stuff. But then again even though you have a laptop with all your music, you can't carry around your laptop in your pocket like an ipod can you? And you can't plug earphones in a laptop and put a laptop in your pocket listening to music wherever you go can you? It's a tough one. If I had the choice, I would personally get a laptop. I love ipods but I believe that if I had that choice you are having I would pick the laptop then wait for my next birthday or wait for Christmas to get an ipod, or I would save up for an ipod. I'm pretty sure you can get really good deals on Ipods these days especially if you order them online.

Just think about what will make you happier. Think about which one you won't get tired of using, think about which one you'll choose and will not regret choosing. Think about which one you believe is worth the money and will last you for a long time and you will really enjoy. Like I said, remember it is YOUR decision. Best of luck! :)
2009-07-25 8:07 am
Get a small laptop it can do wayy more stuff, and then a cheap MP3 player for outside use; that way you have both.
Don't load too many other things on your laptop so that it turns on fast and you can listen to music outside too whenever you want
2009-07-25 8:06 am
Hm.. I can't imagine there being a decent laptop for $350. I know they're out there, I'm just saying that if it's either an iPod that'll last you a while if you take care of it, or a cheap laptop that could crash if you put a ton of songs on it; I'd opt for the iPod.. You obviously need a computer to put songs on your iPod, but if you can use the laptop you've been sharing for that, then save up to buy a laptop, you'll have the best of both worlds. Besides, there's always Christmas.
參考: iPod Touch owner.
2009-07-25 8:03 am
I think you should get a Sansa Player and save for a laptop.
I don't think you can get a computer for under $400. You need to consider security software and sales tax extended warranty.
If someone else is paying go for the laptop and you can get a good MP3 player not made by Apple for under $50
2009-07-25 8:01 am
Get a laptop, u can always get an ipod for cheap from amazon or the pawn shop for like 100 bucks. I've bought 2 80gb from amazon. Ur never gonna find a laptop for that price. Get it while someone else is buying.
2009-07-25 8:00 am
Get a laptop, i say it is more useful and you can get music on your laptop too. Also you can probaly get something cheaper that serves the Ipod function (play music). Mp3s are soo cheap now, and buy some other brand (Mac is expensive). Also, my friend bought this mp3, it looks exactly like a Ipod, and plays music, it was 50 dollers cheaper than an actual Ipod and works the same.
2009-07-25 7:58 am
An iPod is only a hyped up mp3 player. You could probably find a functional mp3 player with comparable features in the 20-30 USD range. And besides... you can get a set of headphones to listen to music on your laptop from the dollar store...
2009-07-25 7:58 am
You should really get the laptop because it's about the same price as the Ipod, plus you can hear music on the laptop on Youtube or some other website ! Goodluck hope u qet the laptop=]]
2009-07-25 7:58 am
Laptop. You can save up for an Ipod, and while you wait, play music on your laptop.

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